My worst nightmare has come true


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Guest lostiniowa

Re: My worst nightmare has come true

I feel bad for you guys, my in-laws are great they treat me better than my parents do. Sorry you guys don't get that too!

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Re: My worst nightmare has come true

Yeah, I get along great with mine as well. As a matter of fact, I refinished my basement as an in-law suite which is where they live. They really like me too. They should since I'm providing their home...just kidding grin.gif Seriously though, out of all of the son-in-laws, I am the favorite. But not that I think about it, that isn't a huge accomplishment given the others. grin.gif

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Re: My worst nightmare has come true

I'm with ya Nut - my in laws will be here Saturday cutting my hunting day in half. mad.gif It's really difficult for us to be around each other and it causes a lot of headaches between the wife and me. They are only going to be here 4 days. Hopefully I'll last.

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Guest Andrea

Re: My worst nightmare has come true


I remember the LAST time I spoke to my ex- mother-in-law

I'm still dry-heaving......

I didn't lose ANYTHING when I got divorced...

[/ QUOTE ]

I am curious J.B.-------------were you drunk or in a coma when you got married????? grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: My worst nightmare has come true



I remember the LAST time I spoke to my ex- mother-in-law

I'm still dry-heaving......

I didn't lose ANYTHING when I got divorced...

[/ QUOTE ]

I am curious J.B.-------------were you drunk or in a coma when you got married????? grin.gifgrin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

He was in puppy llluuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvv!!!!!!!!! Some women not all turn out to be the total opposite after you marry them. JB's case in point.

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Re: My worst nightmare has come true

Sorry bout you luck there Nut, I moved off of my farm when the baby came and onto my in-laws so Mommy and the boys could help them with there beef farm (bad health) and here I am 2 1/2 hours South of them now.


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Re: My worst nightmare has come true

They left a day early. cool.gif

But the wife is way upset. Her sister made the visit very stressful for her. Wife could not talk with here parents without being interuptedby the sis.The witch(sis) only ran down everything about our life and etc.

Then my wife could not find her purse after they left right away. When she found it she discovered $40 missing. mad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

Small price to pay for the sister in law to never be seen here again mad.gifwink.gif

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Re: My worst nightmare has come true

My mother in law started once....ONCE! with the

"your turning my grandchildren into killers by teaching them how to shoot guns"

I remembered a line a while back by, I think it was Jim Baker or Wayne LaPierre when he told an

anti gun woman that; you know how to be a prostitute...are you applying that knoledge?

Since then the mother in law don't bring up guns or hunting again grin.gif

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