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Yep, Because i have all A's and B's in my other classes. But in Prealgebra i had a 69.32 % Which is a D. But with that test score it will raise my grade to probably a B+. That how big of a test that was. And it was the last grade of the Semester! But my dad agreed to if i get a 90% our higher he would let me come out with him Friday! Im so pumped and cant wait!

Good luck to everyone

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I've entered my muley buck. The right brow sticker point doesn't show up so well in the photo (but Saskbucks can vouch for it), so it might get downgraded to a 16-pointer (21 points for the team). I'm heading out muzzleloading for whitetails this weekend. Good luck everyone this weekend.

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Well since the time changed I'll only be getting out there mostly on weekends unless I can get away from work early.

I'm hoping to see some of the bucks that I saw at the first of bow season come around since the rut has started.

My wife informed me yesterday that I need to meet her at work at noon on Fri. for her to take me to eat for my birthday. I told her I'd much rather her take me hunting but that didn't work so I guess I'll have to come out of the woods for lunch anyhow. Then pick up the kids from school and get out there and wait for that magical last hour of light.

smile.gifGood luck guys!!!!! smile.gif

We've got a good chance at winning this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif

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well I am sorry to say NOTHING with the bow yet...but I head out to gun camp on SAT. the boys up there say there are lots of big ones around my food lets hope I come home with atleast a 8 pointer or bigger....lets win this thing boys!

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Hey guys.

Not seeing much up here with the warm weather. Can shoot a doe anytime, but will hold out til later for those points as we've got much venison already.

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Well this last weekend was a bust. Saw only does.

I'm on nights next week and on vacation the week of Thanksgiving which is the first week of our 16 day rifle season. I'll get to hunt a couple of mornings next week and most of friday, before rifle opens and WWIII starts.

I believe the rut will be in full swing by then. I just hope we get some cold weather soon. The deer don't move much during the day when it's 85 degrees.

And again GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!!!

frown.gif IF YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED WE ARE TIED FOR 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy.gif

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