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That's an awesome season you had....congrats!

I must admit, I'm a bit jealous of the deer you guys are able to hunt. I'm excited to hunt the "little" bucks we have around my place. Can't imagine what I'd be like hunting deer like you all have.

Again, congrats!

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well I picked the wrong place sunday night....I went to my back stand...(new snow)....I saw 2 deer...nothing came in....when I left I drove the 4 wheeler by my oak tree stand and I think there was at least 3 deer there by the looks of the tracks......oh well I am going to try again in the morning....I see we need some points to get back into first place.

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Well we may be in second but we still have a chance.

I'm going to a friends place this weakend. He has been seeing a big 12 pointer, missed him once.

Then the following weekend I'm going to another buddy's honey hole on public land where he has been seeing a 10 pointer. There may be a chance for me to upgrade after all.

Muff And Lou good luck on the rest of your season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we can win this thing after all. Even if we don't, it has been alot of fun and I've really enjoyed teaming up with you guys!!!!!!!!!

Good guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I am going out this weekend, possible Friday night as well. Been seeing does and hope the 2nd part of the rut is still on. Gun hunters have left the woods so the deer are starting to move a little more and with the cold weather and snow they are looking for food.

I hope to connect, its going to be a tight race and I hope I can contribute more than 5 points on a doe.

Thanks for the kind words Dwin, I'll do what I can! smile.gif

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well team I made a bad choice the other morning....I had a small 3 pointer come to me...(only 1 side 3 points) perfect shot...but I wanted a bigger one so I passed on him...then I did not see another deer the rest of the day!!!!....sorry team hope to get out again this weekend...I guess 8 points would have helped us abit eh?

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You hunt like I do, I tend to pass up the small ones too in hopes of seeing the larger ones. I plan on trying to take a doe at least but my hopes are on a 6 or 8 that I seen just before gun season. 75 yards out from my treestand. I don't practice those shots with my bow and I didn't see them with my gun! smile.gif That's hunting.

I hope I can help the team as do you Muff and with luck and determination and great teammates cheering us on I think/know we can! smile.gif

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Just wanted to post this picture, for you guys to see. A couple friends of mine find sheds of this deer last year on the land we hunt. He was killed in rifle season 10 minutes down the road from my stand. Oh well, I guess someone had to get lucky. Just was hoping it would be me! Anyways a good deer for pennslyvania. 28 points, and a 23 inch spread. [image]28Point_2_.jpg[/image]

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Muff, I wouldn't worry so much about the points. I would've passed too. I passed up a decent 7 point first of our bow season. I took the buck I did in rifle season because 1; I hadn't seen another buck while hunting since the 7 point and 2; He wasn't a monster but being with the kids the adrenaline took over. I'm not regretting shooting my buck, he is a good buck for me. But, had I been by myself and had time to study him I probably wouldn't have shot him, But on the other hand I kinda was in the "If it's brown it's down!" mode so it's hard to say.

I say shoot the buck you want for you and don't worry about our points. If we win that will just be the bonus!!!!!!!!!!!! smile.gif

On another note, we finally are getting a little snow this evening. Temps are going to stay well below freezing through Sat. so the snow should stay on the ground till Sat. morning when I'll be out there again. Have to work Fri. so won't get out until Sat. anyhow.

And again GOOD LUCK!!!!

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Muff, you gotta hunt the way you hunt. There is no way I would shoot a deer, that I would otherwise let walk, just to score points in a contest. Deer hunting is personal. It is between you and the animal you hunt. A contest should never effect that. You definately did the right thing. Good luck the rest of the season.

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All I can say is DANG, that's quite a buck. Are you guys hiring up there? I can retire from the AF anytime and move up to help you all hunt all those monsters! grin.gifwink.gif


I certainly would have passed that buck. Good luck this weekend.

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hey thanks for the support team....I am trying my best to get a deer....just have not had luck on my side yet this year.The last 2 years I shot a 8 and then a big 9 pointer on opening night...the pressure was off right away....NOW this year it is starting to get to me....less than a month left and 2 tags still in my pocket.whish me luck on the weekend...I may need it!

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Guest Big_Game_Hunter_64


well i naever got out agin because my baskatball season started up and i am playing on my school and community team so i just didnt have enough time so i wasnt able to upgrade

were in second place were only behind by 7 congrats to everyone on the good season

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Went out this morning in hopes of seeing some deer. I haven't been back in the woods on the nieghbors place since Thanksgiving.

I sat untill I got cold and hadn't seen anything yet so I dicided to get down and take a little walk to see what deer were left after rifle season. The snow had just melted the day before so as temps rose slowly the leaves got soft and much quiter. I made my way down the old fence line, by the well used pond, and on around to top of the hill. I stop for a breather in my favorite area to squirrel hunt and sat down on a fallen log and contenplated whether to take a #2 there or wait untill I got to the bottom of the hill. Just as I decided to wait I caught movement to my left, it was a deer. I grabbed my bow and nocked an arrow. As it got closer I could see horns, big horns!!!!!!!! I crouched down as he was on course to pass me at 30 yards, I had my spot picked out when I was going to draw and I thought to myself, this is awesome, as I shook uncontrollably. He got about 50 yards from me and turned to his right and walked away from me down the same direction I had just came from.

Although I didn't get a shot it was an awesome experience and now that the bucks are back to thier usuall paterns I will be back on that hill next weekend only a little closer to where he came up the other side and turned.

The best I could tell he is a wide 10. He is about double the size of the one I entered into the contest.

It would be awesome to get my first wallhanger and add a couple more points to our score.

Good Luck to those still hunting!!!!!!!!!!

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