Handgun harvest sign up here......


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OK, here's the deal.

(1) The "contest" is for current forum members only, you must have been registered as of today to be eligible.

(2) You must be signed up in this thread by Oct 31 to be eligible. It will end Dec. 31. (if some of your seasons end later than that please let me know and I'll extend the finish date)

(3) The game animal can be anything as long as it was taken with a handgun.

(4) The winner will be determined by the signed up members. I will post a poll later assuming we have some critters taken.....

Pictures of you with the harvested game will be required for your entry. If you have issues posting pictures, drop me a PM and we'll get it worked out.

(5) This little thing dosen't have anything to do with any other contests currently running on this board. If you are signed up elsewhere that's cool. What takes place here is my doing and Realtree is in no way responsible.

When you sign up please list what you'll be hunting with and what critter you'll be after. If there is anything that you guy's would like added please let me know.....

Here's what you'll be gunning for.....


It'll be this style cap with a Hardwoods Green pattern.


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Guest Elkslayer54

Re: Handgun harvest sign up here......

I havent bought my pistol yet but it will be a stock 45 but I am going to wack an oink with it/ squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllll weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

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Re: Handgun harvest sign up here......

Dunno if I'll get to actually hunt anything with a handgun this year. But just in case........I'd better get signed up.

Possibilities include whitetail & black bear with a .44 Mag of some variation. And maybe (just maybe) turkey with an XP-100.........but probably not.

I'm in.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Handgun harvest sign up here......

I took this doe in georgia Oct 27th 2005. I was using a Ruger Redhawk 41 Magnum with a 2X Pentax scope.

The deer was at 45 yards and dropped immediately.

I never tried to post a picture here so if it does not show up... redhawkdeer1102705.jpg

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