Maine Bear Hunting Stays!!!!!


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How does this taste H.S.U.S., PETA, and the rest of you? grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif


Maine voters have rejected a proposal to ban the use of bait, traps or dogs to hunt bears. Edith Leary is campaign director for the Maine Fish & Wildlife Conservation Council, which opposed the referendum. She says the vote shows that Mainers treasure their hunting heritage. Robert Fisk of Maine Citizens for Fair Bear Hunting says he thought television ads that depicted bears being shot at close range were effective in showing the cruelty of trapping and baiting. But it wasn't enough. With nearly 90 percent of precincts reporting, opponents had about 53 percent of the vote while supporters had about 47 percent. Bear hunting is allowed in 28 states. Maine, which has the biggest bear population east of the Mississippi, is the only state to allow hunters to use bait, dogs and traps.

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