How are the Adirondacks looking


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Next Wednesday, after classes, I will be returning to this wonderful, God created piece of awesomeness and I'm wondering, how is the weather and the leaf change up there? So far the long term forcast which goes until next Wednesday says cool but sunny. I'll be there from Wednesday night (late) and leave to come home on Sunday. We'll be hiking in the High Peaks. Last year alot of the leaves were gone on the mountains and when we got up to the top of Mt. Marcy, it was all clouded in, not too mention cold. I've seen the photos on the internet and it is a dream to be able to see the views from a high peak. This probably going to be my last time in the Adirondacks, for awhile at least since I'll be graduating but it is going to be a blast. So you Adirondack folks, tell me what it is like grin.gif

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Re: How are the Adirondacks looking

just left there today, colors are behind. you should be in good shape in another week. but do go this weekend. even without colors in full bloom, it's better than any city....

upper north bermont is something to behold. anyone who doesn't believe in god should stay away.... or be converted!

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Re: How are the Adirondacks looking


We are a week behind schedule in my neck of the woods. I have heard that the high peaks are in full bloom right now. Enjoy God's tapestry cool.gif


Here is something I googled,

[/ QUOTE ]

Straight from Websters website....Google....can you believe it..


3 entries found for google.

Main Entry: google1

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: to search for information about a specific person through the Google search engine

Example: She googled her high school boyfriends.

Etymology: trademark Google

Usage: googling n

Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6)

Copyright © 2003-2005 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC

Main Entry: google2

Part of Speech: verb

Definition: to search for information on the Internet, esp. using the Google search engine

Example: We googled to find the definition of the new word.

Etymology: trademark Google

Usage: googling n

Source: Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English, Preview Edition (v 0.9.6)

Copyright © 2003-2005 Lexico Publishing Group, LLC


<World-Wide Web> The World-Wide Web search engine that

indexes the greatest number of web pages - over two billion by

December 2001 and provides a free service that searches this

index in less than a second.

The site's name is apparently derived from "googol", but

note the difference in spelling.

The "Google" spelling is also used in "The Hitchhikers Guide

to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams, in which one of Deep

Thought's designers asks, "And are you not," said Fook,

leaning anxiously foward, "a greater analyst than the

Googleplex Star Thinker in the Seventh Galaxy of Light and

Ingenuity which can calculate the trajectory of every single

dust particle throughout a five-week Dangrabad Beta sand



[/ QUOTE ]

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