Seeing deer?


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I take a count of all the pictures I get with my camtrakker each year. Over 70% of all the deer I photograph are moving along established trails between 11AM and 4PM, year round!

I shot 3 deer last year. A nice buck in September, a doe in October, and another nice buck in November. All 3 were shot between 11AM and 2PM.

Deer across America are exposed to many different pressures and stress that may limit their movements. However more often than not I find that fellow hunters are not looking in the right places. They are looking for deer during the midday in areas that deer frequent in mornings or evenings.

A deer rarely beds all day long. MOre often than not they will bed for an hour or 2 then get up and move 100 - 200yds and bed again. This goes on all day long until dusk when activity increases even more.

Studies done in NY, MI, and OH have shown that a deer spends rough 1 hour bedding down before moving. I would argue that if you are not seeing deer in the middle of the day then you are looking in the wrong places.

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Re: Seeing deer?

i'm seeing more deer this year than i ever have before. there's a ton this year for some reason. i know our weather was terrible for getting corn in in my immediate area, so maybe that's why i'm seein more. there's nothing to hide in.

i've already videoed 7 or 8 different bucks with one or two being shooters for me!

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