Deer densities?


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Re: Deer densities?

I do not know what the deer per mile is here but the DNR says we have a heard of awround 100 elk just south of us. My cousins husband had 125 wintering last year and hid neighbor 4 miles away had over 150, and they are spread out over a 80 mile range about 10 miles wide, I would guarantee there is more than a thousand.I do not know why they do not want to tell us the truth![there is no season either]

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Re: Deer densities?

Maybe I can help shed some light on the subject... Spotlight surveys, transect counts, pellet counts, harvest data and hunter surveys are all tools used to estimate deer densities. Some are more accurate than others, the best approach is to use multiple methods and not rely on a single source for data.

The thing to remember is that these are reasonable estimates they are not exact figures. They are also averages based on the total land mass surveyed. If you have a 2 acre plot and 6 deer live on only 1 of those acres the AVERAGE number of deer per acre is 3. If you are sitting on the acre that is not occupied by deer I can see why you would think the numbers are off. Survey data is not an absolute.

wtn, yes hunter density, hunter success rates, and total area available are all considered when compiling this data. By insinuating that managers are not involved and only sit behind a desk you over simplify not only their jobs but their contributions to game manangement and conservation.

Mangers are plagued with staffing shortfalls, small budgets, and in some cases a customer base (the sportsman) who is against them or mistrusting of them. Would you be able to do your job 100% with those challenges??? I am not making excuses but the methods used are the best available for estimating deer densities. Is there room for improvement? MOST DEFINITELY! But is anyone perfect?

I offer a friendly challenge: It is easy to play "Monday Morning Quarterback"... rather than simply shaking your heads why don't you give some ideas as to how YOU think deer surveys should be conducted. What do you think is the best methodology for sampling deer herd densities? What survey methods do you think work best? Don't be shy, you are all rather quick to say how they do not seem to work... so what is YOUR solution?

[ 09-18-2002, 10:53 AM: Message edited by: nhbowhunter ]

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Re: Deer densities?

You may only know about the harvest records but I am willing to bet some of the other methods mentioned are in use by your DNR.

Aerial survey techniques are extremely expensive. You have to cover a lot of ground and spend a lot of time flying to gather data. TIme in the air costs big bucks pilots, plane or helicopter fuel is expensive. Aerial surveys are best suited to areas with a lot of open country and I mean A LOT. Aerial survey data is skewed when deer stay hidden in thick cover. As a result aerial surveys are less reliable than other survey methods.

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Re: Deer densities?

Is what you are saying that since the number of hunters is low then the harvest data is low therefore creating a low deer density figure?

If this is what you are saying then i can assure you that the math used to calculate deer densities from harvest data does take into account the number of hunters. thereby reducing the chance that a disproprtionately high or low number of hunters will skew ratios.

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