first buck with a bow *story and pics*


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i decided to make a new thread since my last one was short

well heres the story i was hunting about 10 miles north or point. i got in my stand at 3:15 due to my classes. this is a area ive been saving for november and the rut so this is only the second time ive hunted there. when i got to my tree i realized that i forgot my pull string so i had to climb 20 feet in the tree with my bow and anyone who has a viper knows that this is not a fun thing. i finally get up my tree and get set. i start calling there after. not a half hour in to my sit i call in my first buck of a the year a 6 point with a goofy looking rack. i thought about taking it just cause i called it in and it was sitting at 4 yards!!! but i decided to let it walk. so i wait for the deer to clear my area and i keep calling using the can and my grunt.a little bit later is when my grunt fowls up and lets out a god awful noise. and in the distance i see a white tail take off. i just said to myself that it was just the 6 point and thers no need to worry, even though i have no idea what it was. but anyways. i keep calling at about 4:30 after i switched grunt calls im duing a calling sequence when i hear something to my left, it was another buck, a shooter!!! it came in behind me with its noise to the ground looking for a fight. so when it got behind my tree i raised my bow and stood up. it was behind some brush stoped looking the other way so i drew my bow back and waited for it to step out. and waited is what i did, it seem like forever finally he steped out and i stoped him with a voice grunt and hit him perfect double lung!! he wheeled around and i grabed my grunt and grunted he stoped and looked around wobbeled and took off again, so i grunted again and he stoped yet again and thats where he fell!! all with in sight!!

now for the bad part after i get back to school here in point i stop at a buddies house and show off my trophy and rub it in like any good friend would do. after sitting around my deer for a bit i start on my way home to get this bad boy cut up. when i pull in behind my apt and get out of my truck i see my deer out of my truck bed and hanging there by the rope i tied to its neck. i check the deer to make sure its still ok and it must have just happened cause the hide was perfect still so i think good. thats when i look up and see my bow case is gone!!!! so i put the deer back in the truck and take off like a bat outa he@#. but sure enough no bow case to be found. so im out one ar34 with a dropzone rest and a copper johns 5 pin with the light

i called the cops and put in a report right away but i doubt it will turn up. im very depressed right now i saved up forever to get my "dream" bow now its gone.




RIP ar_34_gel.jpg

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Re: first buck with a bow *story and pics*

Congrats on a nice buck! That really sucks about your AR. Kind of really takes the excitement out of a succesfull hunt. don't give up on it. Maybe someone honest found it. Post some flyers on phone poles alongthe route you took when you lost it. You never know! Hopefully you'll get it back. Congrats again on a nice buck.

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Re: first buck with a bow *story and pics*


First off let me congratulate you on your first bow deer. It is a really nice buck man.

I'm so sorry to hear that all that joy and pleasure was robbed from you, by the theft of your bow. truly the pits.

I am sitting here, angry on your behalf also. I hope that someone in the neighborhood saw something when your bow was taken.

How depressing for you sorry man frown.gif

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Re: first buck with a bow *story and pics*

Congratulations on a fine buck, especially for your first with a bow!

Too bad about your bow, we all get excited about harvesting a deer and do ignorant things sometimes. Hopefully someone honest found your bow and you'll get it back. Don't give up!

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Re: first buck with a bow *story and pics*

That is a great buck!! Sorry to hear about the bow! Did your tailgate open?? I was shooting at the indoor range one night and when I left, sometime my tailgate fell down, I look in my mirror and see it down and panic. Luckily the bow was still in there, but now I do not trust my tailgate. I can't, I try, but I just can't. Hope you find it......

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Re: first buck with a bow *story and pics*

First off, congrats on your 1st bow buck.

It sure took the wind out of my sails reading about some jerk stealing your bow. I've had gear stolen before too but never my bow. I'm sick for you man. Hope they catch the thief and you get your bow back.

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