what kind of realeases are the best


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Guest IBO_bowhunter

Re: what kind of realeases are the best

I also shoot a scott little goose, but as Bucknfordoes said go to your pro shop to see what feels best and works best for you.

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Guest J_Owens_66

Re: what kind of realeases are the best

Tru Ball Extreme. They are high dollar, but let me tell ya, i wouldn't trade it for any release out there. Smooth, quite, sensitive, perfect fit...

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Re: what kind of realeases are the best

best release i shot he scott little goose or little bitty goose for years but then i found the one and only tru ball short and sweet release. with the use fo string loops i went to it as the release was easy to pick up and get hold of the loop and not worry about closing the release ont he loop.

give the short and sweet a try and you will see what i mean

rob k

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Re: what kind of realeases are the best

Carter Two Shot (aka Deuce). Try one. It'll make all other trigger releases feel like crap. It is the only caliper style release on the market that will correct/prevent target panic, since it is about the only release that can be used as a "surprise" release. wink.gif

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: what kind of realeases are the best

I use a franks ( just like a carter) it a t handle and I just hang int on my loop. its nice not having anything on your wrist! But like they said lool at a lot of different kinds and go with what you like they all work!

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Guest thegoat273

Re: what kind of realeases are the best

I shoot a Scott Little Goose. It has a buckle strap, so no velcro slipage, and I like the small trigger post, very smootha nd adjustable.

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