Fed up with Congress, President


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You all know that I think W is a great president, but the more I read and the more I reflect on his administration, the less happy I am.

The same could be said for the GOP-controlled Congreass.

Bush ran on a conservative social and financial platform--touting "compassionate conservatim." Is he just a liberal in a nice (GOP) suit?

Spending, spending, spending...that's all this Congress and president do. Sure, there are areas that we need to spend on--like the military. But what about the rest of it?

I could even concede that some money should be spent on Katrina and Rita---but we can't let the government write out blank checks without some accountability. There will be fraud...there will be waste...there will be and ALREADY HAVE been no-bid contracts that are very overpriced.

The prescription drug benefit is a problem...even though I admit I liked the idea. I think Bush has tried so hard to shake the idea that conservatives are cold and heartless that he's probably even left of moderate in some cases.

I do believe George Bush is a good man--and sincere in his sentiment. However, throwing money at everything is NOT what we should be doing. We're in the hole with budget deficit after budget deficit. The Bush tax cut that DID help stimulate the economy was great--but the potential for more revenue from supply-side thinking has been wiped out by massive spending.

It's not just the President, but the Congress doing nothing more than sending pork back home. I'm getting so sick of Congress as it is!

I have never been a big fan of John McCain as a presidential candidate--primarily because of campaign reform (which I believe is a violation of the first amendment) and his socially moderate positions.

However, with McCain, you know what you're going to get. He's not afraid to say what he believes even if it's NOT what most on the right like. He wasn't afraid to stand up in the Senate and tell us about all the wasteful spending in appropriations bill after appropriations bill.

Bush teased social conservatives by decrying abortion--but into the second term he has really made no push towards limiting it. He said during the campaign that abortion would be something about which we need to change. He did say we need to change the attitude about it first but has done little.

John Roberts was a good nominee for the Supreme Court....but now Harriet Miers? One question....WHO???

I'm afraid if we don't stand up and push the President and the Congress to stand up for us that we will all be bowing before Queen Hilary in a couple of years.

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: Fed up with Congress, President

basically this last 6 years sums up a bad relationship. Man has money (u.s.a) gets married (w) man does not have money. just an anology

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Re: Fed up with Congress, President

How about this analogy.

Man (USA) has a promise of money from an unreliable source (taxpayers in a good economy).

Man is robbed by another man (9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq), then man's home is destroyed (Katrina, Rita). Unreliable source proves to be *Surprise Surprise*, well, unreliable. Now man is broke.

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Re: Fed up with Congress, President


How about this analogy.

Man (USA) has a promise of money from an unreliable source (taxpayers in a good economy).

Man is robbed by another man (9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq), then man's home is destroyed (Katrina, Rita). Unreliable source proves to be *Surprise Surprise*, well, unreliable. Now man is broke.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry Mark its Saturday now and those are some great analogies. Pretty cut and dry.

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