Kerry is a real man.


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Re: Kerry is a real man.


It's kind of sad, when you think about it.

I was kind of "almost" looking forward to seeing his next series of flip-flops. Now we will have to look elsewhere for our entertainment. smirk.gif

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Don't worry Buckee, there will be plenty of liberals to flip-flop and take their places!! LOL!!!

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Re: Kerry is a real man.

I heard last night that Ted Kennedy spent some quality time with Kerry last night. It was the opinion of the MSNBC guys that he was probibly reminding him of the 1960 election and what Nixon did for the nation.

I think Kerry plain and simple did the right thing for once.

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Re: Kerry is a real man.

John Kerry is the ultimate statesman. Despite how nasty this campaign got, John Kerry said the right things today.

Though he did not win my vote, he won my respect and admiration.

I've spent a significant amount of time on what was great about George W. Bush. In retrospect, I am somewhat ashamed at some of the things I said--or really-how I said some things about John Kerry-- though I do stand by the points I made.

If you're a Democrat, I'm sure today has been hard. However, John Kerry showed the kind of leadership today your party hasn't had since Bill Clinton.

Today, John Kerry made me proud to be an American and I say that without shame.

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Re: Kerry is a real man.


John Kerry is the ultimate statesman. Despite how nasty this campaign got, John Kerry said the right things today.

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Yes, John Kerry is indeed one of the best speakers, I've heard in a long time. He does know what to say and when to say it. Whether it is because he really means what he says or whether it is just because he knows what needs to be said to save face and just say the right things at the right time, is debatable ..LOL smirk.gif

He is an excellent speaker, no doubt about it. He makes Bush look rather clumsy and awkward when it comes to public speaking.

Kerry knows how to go out gracefully, for sure. grin.gif

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Re: Kerry is a real man.



John Kerry is the ultimate statesman. Despite how nasty this campaign got, John Kerry said the right things today.

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Yes, John Kerry is indeed one of the best speakers, I've heard in a long time. He does know what to say and when to say it. Whether it is because he really means what he says or whether it is just because he knows what needs to be said to save face and just say the right things at the right time, is debatable ..LOL smirk.gif

He is an excellent speaker, no doubt about it. He makes Bush look rather clumsy and awkward when it comes to public speaking.

Kerry knows how to go out gracefully, for sure. grin.gif

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It wasn't just the delivery of his speech, but that he did the right thing. The 2008 campaign should be very interesting.

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Re: Kerry is a real man.

IT makes you wonder! If he wont fight this! What the heck would he do if Iraq trys to blow up the US!! Would he BACKDOWN??????? Thats what he is doing now! Backing down! NOTHIGN AGAINST HIM just he dont wanna stand up and fight for what he wants! Is what im gettign at here!

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Re: Kerry is a real man.

I don't think you were really getting at anything there. Conceding defeat in a race that is unwinnable is A LOT different than responding to a terrorist attack. After more than a year of campaigning, criss crossing the country and basically breathing this campagin night and day, there is no point in dragging out the inevitable, even if all the provisional ballots were accepted they would all have to go for Kerry, I mean, I know the Red Sox broke the curse this year and all, but some things just don't happen.

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Re: Kerry is a real man.


Conceding defeat in a race that is unwinnable is A LOT different than responding to a terrorist attack..........there is no point in dragging out the inevitable, even if all the provisional ballots were accepted they would all have to go for Kerry, I mean, I know the Red Sox broke the curse this year and all, but some things just don't happen.

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What other choice did he have??? John Kerry got soundly beaten and that was that. It's kinda hard to contest a margin like that.

That being said................I will be the dissenting voice here and say that John Kerry is still a jerk. We'll see about his "statesmanship" when it comes time for Bush to appoint a supreme court justice. we'll see if it's Kerry's call to not filibuster.

Besides...............what difference does it make?? He's history. Toast. Walter who?? Bob who??? Al who??? smirk.gif John who??

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Re: Kerry is a real man.


IT makes you wonder! If he wont fight this! What the heck would he do if Iraq trys to blow up the US!! Would he BACKDOWN??????? Thats what he is doing now! Backing down! NOTHIGN AGAINST HIM just he dont wanna stand up and fight for what he wants! Is what im gettign at here!

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Sorry bud, but I gotta disagree with you here. Kerry knew he lost and didn't want to unnecessarily put our nation through the same garbage that happened in 2000.

He wasn't backing down, but facing the facts...and I respect the man for that.

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Re: Kerry is a real man.

I have to agree with Strut on this one!


What other choice did he have??? John Kerry got soundly beaten and that was that. It's kinda hard to contest a margin like that.

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He only conceded because he lost...if there was even a remote chance of him winning, this wouldn't be over! I think you all are giving him way too much credit.

BTW, Don you forgot one>>>South Dakota....Tom who????? grin.gifgrin.giftongue.gif

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Re: Kerry is a real man.


................I will be the dissenting voice here and say that John Kerry is still a jerk.

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Besides...............what difference does it make?? He's history. Toast. Walter who?? Bob who??? Al who??? John who??

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Yep strut I feel the same way about him! Good riddence! Take your bat & ball and go home!!! You lose!!!

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