Would Bush win if election held today??


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What with opinion polls, losing support from Congress and other backers, Bush's approval ratings are at an all time low. This is just a simple question. How many of you on here think Bush would be reelected if the election were held today. I am sure most on here would still vote for him, but just speculate. It doesn't matter who he is running against, Kerry, Edwards, Hillary. Just, would he win.

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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

Cannot base a what if on what the ratings are currently. If I did I would have to evaluate a what if Kerry had been in office or a what if Hillary or Gore had been in office type scenario, and that said, I think he would in fact come out ahead.

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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

I know there's alot of things that I have been dissappointed with the way the current administration has handled things lately but bottom line..... there's NO WAY I could ever vote for anyone thats for any kind of gun control! NO MATTER WHAT! grin.gif

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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

I beleive we get what we deserve. That being said If today was election day I would bite my nails like I did last time. Some people are so against anyone who has morals today that I think it would be real close. That It should be Mr. Bush Is a blessing no matter what you may think about some of his policies. Our leaders are appointed by God and It's time that whoever is the President gets our respect Love and prayers. He is after all just a man not a god and he's who we got.God Bless him.

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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??


I know there's alot of things that I have been dissappointed with the way the current administration has handled things lately but bottom line..... there's NO WAY I could ever vote for anyone thats for any kind of gun control! NO MATTER WHAT! grin.gif

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There's a man after my own HEART! cool.gif


Our leaders are appointed by God

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Our leaders are voted in by who ever VOTES for them! I see what your saying, but then its determined by how many and who votes for who! So we are the ones to blame if our leader is not doing the things he needs to do! Not God! JMO!

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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

Who's running against him???????

and don't give me some mythical Harry Potter character..........give me a viable Democratic contender.

Bush's approval rating are low according to the press...............remember the "PRESS"...........they're the same one's that had Kerry winning.

Let me know..who 's going to beat him in an election "TODAY" not tommorrow or six months from now but today.

There's nobody there..................because the Democratically controlled press had not had the chance to build up their candidate......for today.

Who wins in '08???????????????

Whoever gets the hype.............

But, we all get a vote


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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

bush would win again. the libs don't have any thing they want to do. no cause. no points. no case. just a hate bush mentality. as long as the democrats are morally bankrupt and have no positive things they want to do, they will continue to lose elections. been that way for 20 years now, and looks like it will continue. when is the last time you heard a democrat with an idea, or a fix to a problem. all they can do is criticize.

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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

All "polls" are designed with a specific agenda in mind. There are only three which I trust...

the flag pole

the meat pole

the ol' smokepole

When it comes to "political polls"...again, an agenda is already set.....

That's the view from here and Bush gets my vote over anyone else the socialists have to offer.

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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

The LAST time I have voted for a Democrat for President was when Lyndon Baines Johnson ran against Barry Goldwater. At that time, I was a very politically naive COLLEGE STUDENT. The press alluded to the fact that Goldwater advocated the use of a nuclear "device" to bomb Haiphong harbor. Since that period, I no longer trust the media, and I certainly can NEVER believe the Democrat Party and what they now stand for in this country.

Would President Bush be re-elected now... probably he would, if he were to run against another Democrat. At this point in time... the ONLY other candidate that I consider worthy of my vote would be John McCain.

The Democrats do not have a viable candidate! John Edwards would be their best bet, but don't think his SMILE will get him elected. When the Democrats start offering something positive for this country... then they might have a chance. Their doom & gloom speeches, finger pointing, and complaining all the time, will not get the job done to win an election.

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Guest Phaseolus (BeanMan)

Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

Since Bush can't run again it is a moot point. Who I vote for will depend entirely on who the two canditates are.

Would I vote for Bush? No. I don't confuse Fascism with morals.


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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

Who really cares? He already won. He probably would win because the only people who think polls are accurate are dems. Remember the exit polls that said Kerry would win?

You'll get another chance in 08, and we'll win again. Then you can repost this question. Aint life Grand?

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: Would Bush win if election held today??

Why do you say we. I suppose you vote straight party. I do not understand this theory. Is it because you lack knowledge about the candidates?

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Re: Would Bush win if election held today??


Why do you say we. I suppose you vote straight party. I do not understand this theory. Is it because you lack knowledge about the candidates?

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Question...have you ever voted for a Repub?

My bet would be no but I hope I'm wrong.

I vote by candidate but still have not voted for a Dem pres candidate ever...not because Republicans are so perfect but just because they have been the better choice between the two.

Would Bush win? Who knows but its a mute point anyway since he already has 2 terms.

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