Should this buck be culled?

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I just received these pics from a buddy of mine from his trail cams...

This buck appears to have a broken front right leg. I'm almost positive that the antler growth is messed up due to his injury. Will this buck ever become "normal" again or should he be culled right away?

It still has it's velvet on in these pics. Just about every buck I've seen that is "normal" has been out of velvet since late August.






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Re: Should this buck be culled?

Put him down, immedietly! You'll have some good meat and he won't survive the winter. I have a buck on the "lease" that I hunt that has been hit by a car. He's hit bad and I think he probably won't survive any encounters with the coyotes. It's a shame though, he's a basic 4-by-4 with some good length. You gotta do what you gotta do. grin.gif

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