God's Sweet, Sweet Grace! ***(PICS!)***


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My poor wife was a ball of nerves after the specialist told us about our breach baby, this was friday. We still had 4-weeks to get the baby to turn. My wife started doing the exercises in hopes our baby would turn. She had a load on her I almost couldnt handle. I appreciate everyone who chimed in on my post and I really appreciated the PM's. My wife, for the first time, understands why this place and everyone in it means so much to me.

Sunday night, actually Monday morning at 1:00 I hear my wife screaming through the house. She was crying and in a panic. I flew out of bed to see her sitting on the toilet crying. There was water all over the floor on the way to the bathroom. Our baby wasnt due for 4-more weeks so we were scared to death. Thirty minutes later we were sitting in a hospital room talking about the surgery. My wife was already dilated to a 4 and in labor, even though she couldnt feel anything. We were somewhat concerned about the premature birth. The head RN came in and gave my wife a shot to stop the labor. We assumed that they would wait until noon or so to do the surgery. A few minutes later the RN was back telling us the OR was scrubbed the team was ready, etc.

Our doctor, Laura doesnt do C-sections but her husband does. They were in roughly 30 minutes later and we were on our way to the OR. I felt great knowing that our doc and her husband were taking care of my babies. They are good people and having both of them standing over my girls made a world of difference. My wife was scared and all I could do was try to keep her calm. She was already on the table with her spinal block when I walked in. Roughly 10 minutes later the doc called for the time and at 3:37 am my beautiful wife gave birth to Ms. Gracey Elaina.

After some examination the doc and RN's are saying that we were off on our date. Ms Gracey isnt but two weeks early. Everything is as it should be and she has not problems what so ever. She's one little bitty girl but she has her daddy hooked in a big way....

Important Info: 6lbs 2.5 o.z., 17.5" long.

Here is a few pics....

Me as proud as I could possibly be.


My wife proving she is the strongest woman I know. DSCF0020.jpg

and the most beautiful thing god could ever give us....


god bless all of you and thanks for the prayers.

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Guest Andrea

Re: God\'s Sweet, Sweet Grace! ***(PICS!)***

How beautiful!!!!!! Congratulations to you and your wife!!!

Thanks...just what I needed too. More baby pics. As if this baby fever wasn't bad enough already!!!! crazy.gifgrin.gif

She's gorgeous Jeramie. And you guys picked a beautiful name to go with her. Thanks for sharing. wink.gif

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Re: God\'s Sweet, Sweet Grace! ***(PICS!)***


My wife is due for scheduled birth with our first on Thursday. I'll send pics when I get them.

I have a special place in my heart for everything a mom and dad goes through and I'm happy everything went well.

Good thing both of ours were born during archery season, though eh!!

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Re: God\'s Sweet, Sweet Grace! ***(PICS!)***

Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it isn't manly, but honestly when I read your story I tear up. I never understood gods love, until I looked in crib and saw my daughter. May god bless your family. On a lighter note, welcome to the I have a daughter support group. The estegon level has just doubled in your house. trust me on this, I'll keep you in my sypathetic prayer list. LOL

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