Thanks all you guys


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I gotta admitt something, Im 31 years old and up untill this year I never bothered to vote.Coming in here, watching you guys argue, listening to what was going on, and figuring out where these guys really stood on some things{to some extent anyway grin.gif } really opened my eyes.Even those of you who supported Kerry got me to go look into his voting record and make decisions based in some part on that.So last night after I got back from hunting{priorites the ruts started}I had my brother pick me up and went to the voting booth.But I gotta admitt that as entertaining as listening to you guys has been, Im soooo glad its over grin.gifThanks again, if i hadnt kept up to date in here Im fairly sure Id of never went and voted again this year

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Re: Thanks all you guys


In my mind, people who don't make an effort to vote really are second class citizens.

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I beg to differ. I don't think anyone is a second class citizen, because they don't vote. But, I do believe that if you don't vote, you have no right to complain tongue.gif

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Re: Thanks all you guys

Maybe I should define "second class citizen" since that term probably still carries some very negative and perhaps racial overtones from the past.

What I intend to say is that its the nation's best and brightest that make the effort to vote. Its those who believe in a cause larger than themselves. Its those who try to leave a better world for their children. Its those who believe that the best way to settle differences and determine the course of the nation is through the ballot, not the bullet.

Those who don't make the effort - the second class citizens - are the lazy, self absorbed, hedonistic, its not my fault, I'm entitled to an easy life and if I don't get it then that's not fair people.

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Re: Thanks all you guys

If your issue or candidate wins or loses is not as important as having your voice heard.

11 states spoke last night and voted to ban gay marriage. Hopefully, the democratic leaders heard those voices and realize that is not an issue they really can advance.

2 states opposed a ban on bear hunting issues. Again, hopefully the democratic leaders will realize there is still a strong conservative base across the nation that opposes restrictions to a basic human need - to hunt.

And, hopefully, the democratic leaders realize that wearing camo and carrying a shotgun for a photo op does not a hunter/gun owner/supporter of the 2nd Amendment make.

Finally, when it comes down to the nut-cutting, even if no one hears your voice - voting honors a vet.

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Re: Thanks all you guys


Thank you for voting in an intelligent and informed manner. I'm glad to hear that the dialog here compelled you to do so and wish more people would do the same. smile.gif

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He never said who he voted for, what if he voted for the other guy. Would you have still responded the same way had he voted for Kerry. smirk.gif

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Re: Thanks all you guys


Would you have still responded the same way had he voted for Kerry.

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Guess you assume he voted for GW also! wink.gif I don't know about you all, but I don't agree with this "just vote" attitude. I heard a gentleman say to his wife when he came out of the booth..."I didn't know who to vote for, so I voted a straight Rep. ticket!"

WHAT shocked.giffrown.gifmad.gif I'm sorry, even though he helped support "most" of the canidates I wanted to win...I don't feel he should have voted.

I think there is too many ignorant people who vote just because they think they should. This is why our country is screwed up!!!!!!! smirk.gif

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Re: Thanks all you guys

VERY Good point snapper.

I think an uninformed vote for anyone is much worse than a no vote. Why don't people pay attention to what's going on around them these days. Don't they realize that their perfect little world could go sour at any time, just because they were't paying attention.

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Re: Thanks all you guys



He never said who he voted for, what if he voted for the other guy. Would you have still responded the same way had he voted for Kerry. smirk.gif

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Nor did I ask! My reply to Horst stands, regardless of political affiliation. My reply was nonpartisan.

Thanks for your ignorant response! frown.gif

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And thank you for your's. mad.gif

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Re: Thanks all you guys



BTW - If you honestly told me that anything I posted influenced you to vote for Bush, well, that would absolutely MAKE MY DAY!

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I believe it would still make my day just because he was in here reading all of OUR posts!!! grin.gifcool.gifgrin.gif

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Your guys posts have been very entertaining.There was probably even a few actual facts in some of them tongue.gifBut its hard to sort through them to find out whats real and whats not.Its like a forum version of trivial pursuit grin.gif

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Re: Thanks all you guys


I gotta admitt something, Im 31 years old and up untill this year I never bothered to vote.Coming in here, watching you guys argue, listening to what was going on, and figuring out where these guys really stood on some things{to some extent anyway grin.gif } really opened my eyes.Even those of you who supported Kerry got me to go look into his voting record and make decisions based in some part on that.So last night after I got back from hunting{priorites the ruts started}I had my brother pick me up and went to the voting booth.But I gotta admitt that as entertaining as listening to you guys has been, Im soooo glad its over grin.gifThanks again, if i hadnt kept up to date in here Im fairly sure Id of never went and voted again this year

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Hey - argue is what we do best! I am glad to hear that all this mindless banter has done some good!

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