A Little Something For LandOwners

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I'm one of the lucky one's that married into a family with a huge 1800 acre farm, I get to hunt this land un-obstructed...... grin.gifwink.gif

We have in the last few years been struggling as to post this farm or not.....so far we have choosen not to but think that has come to an end.....

But this doesn't mean NO hunting at all,,,,this is a little something I have been working on and would like some input on....... I made this up on my computer and would like to hear some input on it.....

OK...after some useful input,,this is what I have come up with......( A CONTACT NUMBER WILL BE ADDED TO THE FRONT OF THE CARD AT A LATER DATE )

Front of Card....


Back of card...


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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners


Here in NY the DEC distributes land owner permission cards.

I'll see if I can dig one up for you and I'll see if I can scan it...

As for what you have created, it's not a bad idea.

You also might want to include on the card, amount in party maximum and the model & make of car and also a line for a signature. Just my .02... I have the card now.. BRB, I'll scan and then edit this post...

EDIT: Alright, for some reason my scanner won't work...

But here is what I could dig up on DEC's website:


I know you are in Vermont, but the same principle should work.

If you'd like me to mail you a landowner card that they distribute here and to see if you could imitate it, PM me. smirk.gif

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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners

HEY !! another Vermonter...WELCOME ABOARD and hope you are enjoying you stay with us.... cool.gifcool.gif

Todd,, every person givin access will be given a card with NO exceptions.....and a duplicate copy will be kept at the farm house for reference purposes.....

I know this is only going to help those that choose to hunt legally,,,,but will still have those that feel they can sneak on the property.......

but I feel that those that have obtained a permission card and are there legally will protect their intrest of the property for future legal hunting...atleast this is what I'm aiming for....

Right now it's just an idea that we've been tossing around,,,,,without having to totally close off the property that so many want to and can enjoy....I feel that by regulating the numbers in the woods at one time we can help each other better in the woods, without scawbles as to who hunts where and when...

Im sure there are some great idea's out there and would love to hear them........I really want this to work..there's absolutely NO way I can hunt a regualte this much land on my own.....and with the help of some other hunters it's just so much easier....

We've just had it with the fence cutters and the one's that feel the need to drive all over the crops and fields,,,and cut timber when they feel fit to.....I myself have had run-ins with rude and obnoxious people that think they own the place, and can do what ever they want......

I'm trying not to allow those few ruin it for the ones that aren't that way..... wink.gif

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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners


Looks good. Wish I had a family with a 1800 acre farm to manage.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's definately a tough task wtnhunt , the farm is about a 20-25 min. drive one way for me,,,so I don't get to hunt it as much as I would like.... And the owners of the land have a huge farm to operate and hunter management isn't tops on thier list, which is understandable.

In the last few years tho,,,, situations as fence cutting and tree cutting as gotten worse..... They have left all hunting management pretty much in my hands.....but they do allow a few locals to hunt but me knowing which ones have permission to be their is quite hard to keep up with.....so I think this card would help with that......

There's no way I could hunt all this land,,, and wouldn't even try...lol..... so why be greedy and not allow others to enjoy some hunting..... as long as those that do have permission get along and stop the greedy bickering, there's plenty of land to hunt for gods sake..... wink.gif

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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners

I think that's a great idea Luke.

There should be something in there making the hunter liable for any property damage,...example: Punctured tractor tires due to lost arrow. wink.gif

Of course to make this legal and accurate, you would have to have a picture of each hunters arrows, each year, so you could identify which hiunter they belong to. grin.gif

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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners

A little extreme, wouldn't you say Steve.... grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Property damage is just something that the family tolerates I would say.... They have found BroadHeads and Shafts in their hay but it's very minimal or even rare,,,, but what are you going to do....Just goes with the territory... wink.gif,,and they understand that....

But the driving all over the meadows and through the corn crops all the other stupid stuff,, is just unexceptable......

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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners

Thats a great Idea Luke, we do that here on our property. The only stipulation we have is that the person doing the hunting has to be a youth accompanied by an adult. We would rather let the kids hunt our land with the help of their fathers than the fathers themselves.

Only back fired once 2 years ago when a 16 yo kid hunted our property for the first time and took a huge 12 point I had been after for 2 years.

Oh well at least the kid got it.


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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners

thats a good idea being a land owner my self i only have 350 acers and dont let anybody hunt but people i know

the thing that would worrie me is that if you dont know the people what happens when someone falls out of a stand are just get hurts there would have to be some kind of hunt at own risk are something in that natuare drawen up to protect your in-laws would hate to say it but when it comes to money some people might try to take you

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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners


Here in Vermont the state takes pretty good care of the landowner in this respect......as long as NO FEE"S are charged.....

Here's our LAW concerning this matter.....


Acceptance of risk by the user:

Under Vermont law (12 V.S.A. Section 1037, “Acceptance of

Inherent Risk” in Appendix 1), recreationists accept the risk

in the sport they perform. This means they cannot successfully

sue a landowner for injuries sustained as a result of

the risk inherent to the activity, when snowmobiling, crosscountry

skiing, mountain biking, or even walking.

Legal protection of landowners:

_ Vermont’s landowner liability statutes do an excellent job

of protecting landowners from liability. The general statute

(12 V.S.A. Section 5791) says that no owner is liable for any

property damage or personal injury to a person who uses

the property for recreation, providing a fee is not charged.*

_ Other specific statutes provide additional protection

for landowners who allow snowmobiling, all-terrain

vehicle (ATV) riding, horseback riding, and bicycling.

See Appendix I to this booklet.

_ The strong landowner liability protection laws make it

very difficult for a party to bring a successful suit unless

the landowner has intentionally created a danger or engaged

in willful or wanton misconduct.

Hope that explained it well enough..... wink.gif

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Re: A Little Something For LandOwners


Those cards look good Luke and its something I think I should do too since my father in law still owns the share of my hunting property.

It would protect him as well.

That has always been a concern of mine.....

[/ QUOTE ]

It sure wouldn't be a bad idea..... Atleast this way there's absolutely NO question as to who has permission and who doesn't..... wink.gifwink.gif

And you definately have something nice to protect that's for sure.... wink.gif

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