wasp boss's? do u guys think they are any good


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Guest clayton819

Re: wasp boss\'s? do u guys think they are any good

i have a set but i have never taking any game with thembut they are struong and they fly pretty close to field tips so i think they are good

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Re: wasp boss\'s? do u guys think they are any good

I took a couple of deer with them. I really like them for the way they fly. But lets face it, there aren't to many broadheads out there that won't do the job if delivered to the right place. they really tune well for me. 5" groups at 50 yards.

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Re: wasp boss\'s? do u guys think they are any good

I took my doe with 100 grain Boss bullets last week. I made a bad shot on her, and needed a follow up. The follow up shot hit along the spine pretty far back on the left side, and exited, blowing through the righ shoulder, bringing pieces of bone out with it. My bro has taken 2 deer with these heads with similar excellent results.

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Guest MCDillinois

Re: wasp boss\'s? do u guys think they are any good

I have been shooting Wasp for years. I switched over years ago to the Wasp Hammer SST. Just recently when they came out with the Wasp Boss SST, I switched to them and have killed several deer with them. I love them, flat out! Sure, there are lots of great broadheads out there but my personal choice is Wasp. I back them %100

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