a couple of hogs 10-9-05

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Randy Pyle,Michelle and myself went out to do a little calling! we got set up and some guy was either target practicing or missing a lot of dove not sure which on one side of us and on the other some guy was buzzing around on a 4 wheeler! needless to say we didn't call anything in! so we moved about a 1/2 mile to set up again! In the process of looking for a place to set up we saw 2 hogs crossing an open field about 1/4 of a mile away! we decided to try and head them off but they got a little ahead of us and were still running! I told Michelle and randy to get ready .As soon as they were ready I turned on the pig in distress on the FX3 ,they stopped right in their tracks at about 150 yards.Randy shot his first and she took off running like crazy and he shot her again quartering away at about 200 yards with his 7 mag she still covered about another 300 yards before dropping! In the mean time Michelle's hog ran about 20 yards and stopped to look towards the pig in distress and she shot him in the chests straight on with the .243, he took of like a bolt of lightening she hit him twice more and got out of her range so she passed the gun on to me. I got him to stop again by turning up the pig in distress by now he was 300 yards away.I hit him once and he spun around so I shot him again and he stumbled 1 more shot and he went down!

Randy's hog weighed 138 ponds and Michelle's weighed 191 pounds ,with 2 3/8 inch tusks and had a Weiser Weight and Tusk score of 427!

Under most circumstances a hog hit straight on in the chest wouldn't have went far but ,this boar was all hopped up on adrenaline from chasing the sow .although the first shot would have been fatal, we wanted to stop him before he made it to thick cover! we did!

we had a great time and got some meat for the freezer!




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