Problem with my plot???

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I planted Bio-logic maximum which is all Brassicas and mixed it with wheat. Both came up great but now it seems like the wheat is choking out my brassicas. The brassicas seems like it stopped growing and the wheat is just taking off. I did not fertilze this plot at all, the first couple weeks of growth was beautiful. Any help would be great.



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Re: Problem with my plot???

that's actually a little unusual b/c the brassicas are usually a lot more aggressive. A nice dose of fertilizer should correct this problem. I'd broadcast 250 pounds of triple 13 and another 50# of 34-0-0. Brassicas require a lot of nitrogen. This should solve the problem and I'd try to get it on asap while you still gave some of the growing season left.

good luck


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Re: Problem with my plot???


that's actually a little unusual b/c the brassicas are usually a lot more aggressive. A nice dose of fertilizer should correct this problem. I'd broadcast 250 pounds of triple 13 and another 50# of 34-0-0. Brassicas require a lot of nitrogen. This should solve the problem and I'd try to get it on asap while you still gave some of the growing season left.

good luck


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i was going to suggest the same ...i'd put some nitrogen down for sure

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