Lab practical


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In one hour I have an hour and a half lab practical for Local Flora & Vegetation class. We have to write out the common name, latin name, and family name for about 77 trees/shrubs. Of course a smaple of the tree/shrub is there but we have to come up with the names ourselves.For example, Sugar Maple = Acer saccharum = Aceraceae or White Oak = Quercus alba = Fagaceae. Got it? Get it? Good,lmbo!

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Re: Lab practical

I loved plant taxonomy, and was pretty darn good at it. I seemed to be able to remember the scientific or Latin names of the plants as well as the common names.

When I got into college, it wasn't so simple.

We had to dissect the plants and identify them by cell structures etc.

When we did our plant collections, I was the only one to have a specimen of the Cypripedium Calceolus vr: pubesence (Yellow Ladyslipper Orchid)

My mind was like a steel trap, but over the years has rusted shut.


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