When and/or where do you field dress?


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Re: When and/or where do you field dress?

I know the pile does NOT effect deer.

I have seen deer go smell them and not spook and even eat right near them.


I do not field dress on my property at all.

I drive out and get the deer and field dress it at home. (1 mile away)

My feelings are that, although the piles do not effect deer, they DO effect coyotes and I do not need to bait coyotes into my deer hunting property.

We have enough problems with yotes to encourage more to come get a meal out there.


I also like to field dress deer right on the tailgate, using the tailgate as my "cutting board" and the rear tie downs to help hold open the deers front and rear legs for ease of dressing them.

Flop the guts onto the ground and drive away without having your deers body cavity filled with leaves, sticks, dirt, and who knows what else.

I agree its a pain to drag an undressed deer but well worth the ease and cleaniness after your out and on your trucks tailgate.


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Guest MCDillinois

Re: When and/or where do you field dress?

I always take the deer out and dress it elsewhere. I am sure to some deer the gut pile may not effect them, but to those who say they have deer come and investigate it, how many trophy bucks have you seen come to it?? Think about it!

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Re: When and/or where do you field dress?

I usually take it down to the creek, to have water availible, gut it there and throw the pile in a bucket, then the dumpster when the deer gets to the butcher. That way the yotes have to earn their meal and don't associate gunshots and human scent as a free meal. They are resourceful critters.

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Re: When and/or where do you field dress?

As a participant of this state's DMAP program we weigh our deer for live weight so they are dressed in our skinning shed after they are weighed, and jaw bones pulled.

On the road I'll field dress them. If that sucker is too heavy to drag and I don't have a buddy to help, I'll field dress it on the spot. If I have help, I'll drag him away from the stand area where I've been hunting just in case my buddy wants to hunt the stand. I don't know if it really bothers the deer but it's sure to attract attention from other critters like coyotes.

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Guest tyshe17

Re: When and/or where do you field dress?

When I didnt have a 4 wheeler I gutted them where they feel. However, both the deer I shot this weekend, I loaded on the atv and took them to the pond to gut. that way i could wash my hands. also, it keeps the yotes away from the stand. they are thick in that area as evident by the fact that when we went back in the afternoon to hunt, the pile had alread been cleaned up in 4 hours!!!

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Re: When and/or where do you field dress?

right where theyt lay most of the time....don't think it bothers the deer at all....a couple years ago my dad got a 5 point on opening day....and the next day got a 7 point...the gut piles were no more than 15 yrads away from each other....every once in a while we will drag them back closer to camp to gut them

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Guest buckstud

Re: When and/or where do you field dress?

I like to take the deer back to the shed in good light where i can examine the food in the stomach. this helps me to decide exactly what the deer are feeding on. its a nasty job but trust me it will tell you a lot about what the deer are feeding on.

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