estous drag


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Re: estous drag

I always start it about 100 yards from the truck and apply it till its damp on both sides. Tie it with fishing line to a short stick and let it drag on the right side of where im walking. I usually reapply every 50 yds or so. Then walk it past my treestand and bury the stick where my hand has touched into the ground and its usually up 3 ft or so. Just wonderin what you guys did

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Re: estous drag

I take an unscented tampon, put Wig's deer pee pee on it, tie the little string thingy (handle?) to a small roll of kite string, let out enough to let it drag behind me and put the kite string handle in my pocket.

All I have to do is walk. I refresh now and then.

Once I get to the stand - I circle it, then hang the tampon in one of my shooting lanes.

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