The Wallhangers (14)

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OK guys. Lets get some morale here. Lets hear a little noise. We've got a couple kills which when entered will put us ahead most teams in points.

I've been seeing a lot of deer and have 4 days off this weekend and plan to whack another doe and then concentrate on them horny big boys. The bucks are gettin a little randy, which is good. But that'll put the does on edge.

I'll check in through out the weekend.

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Re: The Wallhangers (14)

I'll get the pics posted as soon as I can. Ya seeing scrapes around and that buck was sure smelling alittle rutty, saved the tarsal glands. Couple more weeks and things should be in full swing. I'm going to let my dad hunt my rut stand this year and see what he can do.

Good hunting this weekend!

Awesome signature, would you hook me up? Not sure how to get an image on it.

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Guest finnlander

Re: The Wallhangers (14)

Got out Wednesday evening and saw 8 does and fawns. Only one button buck in the whole bunch. Maybe a good crop of does for next year. If it were the weekend I would have taken a doe. This weekend should be good. All the corn and beans are almost out of the fields. They should start moving around looking for food and new cover. Good Luck Everyone

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Re: The Wallhangers (14)

Hey guys!!!Love the name.Hope we can all live up to it,LOL!!!!!Things are fixin to pick up around here soon,real soon.I was out wednesday and never made it to the stand by firstlight,not by choice,there were already deer there and I had to wait them out.I was squatted about 70 yards away watching 3 does.It was about 20 mins before first light.About 10 mins into my wait I see a big deer come out and could make out some antlers,the three other deer scattered when he got close to them..It was alot bigger than the does but not sure if it was a shooter or not.He was there for 5 mins or so and turned to go back from where he came.As shooting light approached all the deer left and I made it to the stand.I had two more does come out about 30 mins or so later.Seen six in all,I just wish they had of waited till I was in stand before they showed up.Maybe next time.Can't wait for vacation to get here.Got two days off before the gun opener and the first day if gun season.Then a week of during mid NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!!Can't wait!!!!Good Luck fellas!!!!

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Re: The Wallhangers (14)

I was out on Thursday afternoon after work and had four does come in just as dark was approaching.I was stuck on stand for about 20 mins after shooting light ended.One of the fawns wouldn't shut up.All it did was bleat and bleat and bleat some more.It was kinda funny listening to it.They have also been urinating alot and leaving lots of droppings around.Good to have some fresh doe scent all around my stsnd,I hope they keep it up when the rut nears!!!!!!Won't be able to get to the stand again until wednesday,Can't wait.I know he's going to come through one of these days.

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Re: The Wallhangers (14)

Hay guys just checking in, haven't seen to much moving. I was up in that tree 27' in that wind, little spooky with trees banging together.

There will be a delay in the pictures, my internet went down Saturday and right now I'm using my local library's internet. Not sure when mine will be back up and running, good hunting yall.

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Guest Wizard3686

Re: The Wallhangers (14)

well good luck to everyone i will be heading up to our hunting spots to get ready for the nov 15 opener gonna do sum bird hunting while im up there and see what i can find in the woods i hope noone has gotten that big guy up there my grandparents said they seen them last week he was sitting in our front yard under a apple tree eating lol kind of sucks cauze our yard is right on a road and im sure sumone has seen him but hopefully the locals wont poach him they all know us and they all have alot of respect for my grandparents cauze the run one of the best marinas and bait shops around

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Guest finnlander

Re: The Wallhangers (14)

I got out last night for the first time in a week. Everything felt right. Wind was in my favor. I was on stand early. Saw three right off the bat a doe,yearling and a fawn. Then during that golden last hour of daylight I heard crunch crunch crunch thru the oak leaves. Out pops a 6 point, fairly decent one but not a shooter at this point in the season. He starts looking behind him and I just new the big buck was back there somwhere. All of a sudden I here running deer all over behind me. I'm super pumped assuming its a buck chasing does. BUT NO, its a stinking bulldog and a black lab running deer. Man was I pissed. I have never seen these dogs before. I got out of my stand and whistled. They came to within 20 yards and froze. The bulldog started growling so I came to full draw and they turned and ran. I chased after them thinking I could scare them bad enough to make them not come back again. I was dissapointed it ruined my hunt. I'll give it another shot this weekend. Good Luck everyone.

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Re: The Wallhangers (14)

That's alright kooter, the rut is still to come. Ought to be some good eating.

Finally got the internet working again. Haven't been seeing much on the days I've been able to get out hunting but it's starting to look up from some of the reports I've been hearing. I was looking forward to going tommorow but someone asked me to help them move, maybe friday. Good hunting you guys.

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Guest Wizard3686

Re: The Wallhangers (14)

i noticed that we dont have no points yet did anyone enter a deer yet just woundering.Good luck to everyone soon i will be out in 26 more days for our gun opener and i plan on atleast gettin a doe but i hope to take a buck

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Re: The Wallhangers (14)

My pictures will be up as soon as the film people get done devoloping them and put them onto a cd for me.

I did make it out yesterday and had a guy stop his car on the road, get out and scare off the deer coming my way. They were in a cornfield coming into my woods. Not sure if he knows I'm there or not mad.gif.

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Re: The Wallhangers (14)

Well I was sitting there watching the cars go by waiting for the last hour of daylight. When at 4:47pm a truck suddenly hit the brakes. I looked over to see why, thinking maybe does. I grab my bow and hear crunch, crash, crunch.

O My Goodness shocked.gif, I had the second biggest buck I've personally seen 5 yds out under my tree. He was a massive 10 or 12 over #200 deer. I wouldn't be able to put my hands completely around the main beam at the g3, let alone the base and I have big hands. He was in my life for all of 6 seconds, running through the woods after almost being hit by the truck. I was going to take some pictures for ya'll but he didn't stick around long enough. I guy I know shot a 170 last year I seen and this deer made him look alittle small. An amazing deer.

On that note never seen anything else but the four point with him for the rest of the night.

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Re: The Wallhangers (14)

Go Get him iabow!

I start this Saturday. I've been working on setting stands and cutting lanes the past two weeks. Evertyhings looking good so far except the weather. Man, I wish we'd get so colder weather by this weekend. The weather reort doesn't look very promising though.

Good Luck guys.

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