First Deer of 2004

Guest VTBowhunter7091

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Guest VTBowhunter7091

This is extremely late but I just wanted to share with y'all the first doe harvest of the year. I hunt my parents farm in Virginia, around 600 acres of total land connecting. I've seen some nice deer around the past couple of years, but it is extremely hard to harvest anything nice because for general firearm we hunt with dogs and shotguns. The people that hunt all around us shoot anything that moves... Anyways but I killed the doe opening day Oct. 2. I was late in the evening and I was on the edge of a bean field. It was storming something terrible and the doe and her fawns were bumped up by something and they ran across the field to me. I had to bleet loudly and finally got the mature doe to stop and made a perfect shot at 33 steps. She ran back across the field and made it about 15 yards into the woods. But me and a buddy of mine of mine are going to the farm this weekend with the rut kicking in good so hopefully we can get one of those swampmonsters. Appreciate you listening.

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