Shooting with glasses?

Guest Finn

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Since I'm no longer young, I can't see distances as good and with low light conditions, I really need my glasses while hunting.

Been trying to shoot with them, but having a hard time as my view goes right through the glass frames.

Any suggestions? How do you all shoot with glasses?


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Re: Shooting with glasses?

You have a few options,

you can change your form to make your head more verticle and square to the target allowing you to see through the lens

Try some shooting glasses with prescription lenses. They ride higher and allow more leeway for head angle. With today's fashionable lenses that are so small, it can be hard to shoot with them. I prefer a larger lens.

Contact lenses will also help the problem.

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Re: Shooting with glasses?


Get surgery!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

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Anyways, I shot my bow today. When I draw the bow back, I am using a release, my kisser button rests in the corner of my mouth, my peep sight comes right up to my lens. It never touches the lens! I think you should be fine! All while wearing my glasses!


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Re: Shooting with glasses?

you could do what i did and go to the peepeliminator. it is like shooting a rifle and you don't have to worry about low light conditions at all and check them out i have really enjoyed shooting the thing and it works like shooting open sights on a rifle or pistol and i can easily shoot with both eyes open. give them a shot i got the one with the light set up for late evening and early morning shots but have yet to use them

rob k

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Re: Shooting with glasses?

Been shooting with glasses for years. Contacts not a bad idea, but it depends on your season weather. If your bow season is warm and comfortable, contacts are great, but if it freezing cold, like here by me, then not so great. I switched to a smaller frame and larger peep,, perfect, I agree, you may have to adjust your head, but that's minor

keep hunting !!!


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