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Re: Shooter?????

Bucks of that caliber are common here in Montana, although many local hunters have never seen one that size. During archery season he would be tough to pass up, but unless I needed the meat, the thought of seeing a bigger later would be enough to let him walk. He is a young deer with a lot of potential. In most areas of the country this question is a no brain-er. Definitely a trophy.

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Re: Shooter?????

I'll agree most people around here (VA) would take him out. Having praticed QDM for a number of years, I'm leaning towards letting him go. The deer is obviously a younger deer with great potential. One thing is for sure, when they quit having birthday's, they don't get any bigger! In the end, it's a personal decision, I think. I wouldn't shoot him based on a poll numbers though.

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Re: Shooter?????

Here in MS that's definately a shooter.

In the places I've hunted in the midwest I'd have to pass him up. Why? Because I'm required to hunt for 150 class bucks in those midwestern places I have access to and he won't make 150 this year. I didn't draw a tag to hunt those areas this year but I'll be up there next year for sure.

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Re: Shooter?????

Thanks all for your input. I would love to pass him. However we only have about 400 acres or so to manage, and I fear he will go over to the neighbors and a lot of them go by the idea of "brown its down". But it he could make it he would be awesome next year.

Thanks again. I guess we will just have to wait and see how it all pans out.

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Guest DesertTrophyHunts

Re: Shooter?????

This type of buck is the main reason you see high fences going up all over the place. Lots of folks ready to drop the hammer on a 2 1/2 yr old buck with a ton of potential. Hope I dont hurt anybodies feelings by saying that but its sad when you shoot a deer just so somebody else doesnt get him first. I think you should let him walk and take your chances, you will be hard pressed to ever kill a mature buck if you hammer the young ones. I would do everything in my power to keep him on the property. Food plots, salt licks, whatever it takes. If you have a short season you will have a good chance of seeing him next year.


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