10 point down!!! (PICS!)


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Well I made a post right after I shot him last night. I was a little concerned as to where my arrow hit as it disappeared into the fading light on Sunday. The buck was standing against a corn field an I never heard the arrow hit any leaves or anything like that, making me believe I hit him. The only thing that mae me wonder was the shot was 35 yardsand he moved slightly as I released the arrow. He took off into the corn field about 40 yards in front of me and I never heard another leaf ruffle the next 10 minutes. Not knowing made me decide to give him the night to expire. I work 3rd shift from 11pm-7am and right at 7 I headed out there. I sat in the treestand til about 9 and called my uncle to come give me a hand looking for sign. He arrived and we walked to where hewas standing whe I shot to find a good size puddle of blood. We followed him down a ditch and where he entered the corn field in front of me. About 3 rows in there was a puddle probably about 2'X3' of solid blood! I got excited then....I walked a few more steps and there he lay not 15 yards further!!! I ended up hitting him in the juggular due to the move he made whe I shot. He went a total of about 60 yards. Not a monster but definately a respectable 10 point buck with TONS of character!!! My biggest buck ever and I'll PROUDLY put him on my wall!!! We estimated his weight at about 220lbs on the hoof. Heres the pics.

This is where he died (notice the amount of blood) 101_0028.JPG




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