Planing to win

Guest MarylandQDMA

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Guest MarylandQDMA

the loto grin.gif so I can quit work and buy a nice plot of land some where to hunt on. so if you won 90 milion. what would you do?

i'ed be buying up large tracks of land to hunt on. probly in the midwest.


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Re: Planing to win

Give some money to all my family, buy a BUNCH of land, build a huge log cabin, get a couple of horses and a couple of cows and basically fish and hunt til I died.

Oh yeah, and I have always thought it would be really nice to anonymously donate a ton of money to some far out quaint little church in the woods that could really use it.

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Re: Planing to win

I'd get a house, brand new truck, new fourwheeler, new skidoo, new boat, and LOTS of hunting land. A piece of waterfront property and build a nice cottage, add a few more guns to my arsenal... grin.gif

I'd also pay off any debts that my parents have, share with my family, and invest the rest to live off the interest. Leave it in my will for my future wife and kids.

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Re: Planing to win

Pay my families bills. Marry my girlfriend. Let her divorce me an take half grin.gif. Kidding. Buy a buttload of land somewhere so I can manage and guide. I'd give at least 10% to my church/parochial schools im my area.

Lastly, my uncle the beer truck driver, I'd hire him to drive me around, in the beer truck.

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