Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~


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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~

Ryan, did you see any albino deer why you were out there? smile.gif If not you can find the photo on here and claim that one as well as it seems to be a mutant clone deer some have claimed to have killed over and over.

Trying to mess with us, you have to get up awfully early to get one by us.

As I see it Ryan, no harm, no foul, just trying to have fun!!

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~



As I see it Ryan, no harm, no foul, just trying to have fun!!

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Thanks cause others dont!

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They'll get over it Ryan. Don't loose any sleep over it either. All's cool. cool.gif I got a good laugh over it until you started getting hammered. Those of us that have been around for a while knew it was a joke. I just wish I knew how to do that. I could have some fum with some friends of mine. grin.gif

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~

you guys please don't start hammering the ones who called him on it!! How were they supposed to know it was a joke?? Anyone can coem in here like a few weeks ago and post a pic to a deer they said they got, I personally am glad people stood up and said soemthing about it!!What type of place will this be if peopel are ccoming in with pics of deer and sayign they shot them all the time, the whoel sites credability is shot!! I knwo yours was a joke Ryan,I knwo that couse I am here all the time but how does the next guy who came in and seen a pic of a deer that he knew was fake!! I am very glad peopel called you on it!!sure they were not very nice but do you blame them>?? They had no idea it was a joke!! I don't blame them one bit I kind of like there ability to stand up for what they believe!! Now lets put thsi joke to sleep please before more feelings get hurt!!!

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~

The only real problem I have is that if he happens to truly shoot a nice deer then who's gonna believe him. I don't guess it should have upset me. He's basically screwing himself.

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~


The only real problem I have is that if he happens to truly shoot a nice deer then who's gonna believe him. I don't guess it should have upset me. He's basically screwing himself.

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I talked to Ryan right after he made this post. It was all in fun, and he never had any intention of letting it run too long with out telling the truth. It was a joke guys. Lighten up a bit. Ryan is definately an honest member of this forum, and I for one will have no trouble believing him, when he doee take a slammer like the one he posted.

You definately got everyone fired up Ryan grin.gif...LOL

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~

Yeah Ryan, I kind of figured we might get some static on your little joke. And it has nothing to do with you or I. It has everything to do with that Albino deer post, along with a few others by that author, that was in here not too long ago. I think the lies told by him, kind of ruined the fun you were trying to have here.

OH well, it was fun trying grin.gif

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~


So it's NOT ENOUGH to have all the hotties hanging all over ya, you gotta have the biggest truck, biggest buck, most posts.......whatcha making up for big guy???

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Yea well i cant help that!!! LOL i wish i shot that buck! Then i would have had it all!

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~


you guys please don't start hammering the ones who called him on it!! How were they supposed to know it was a joke?? Anyone can coem in here like a few weeks ago and post a pic to a deer they said they got, I personally am glad people stood up and said soemthing about it!!What type of place will this be if peopel are ccoming in with pics of deer and sayign they shot them all the time, the whoel sites credability is shot!! I knwo yours was a joke Ryan,I knwo that couse I am here all the time but how does the next guy who came in and seen a pic of a deer that he knew was fake!! I am very glad peopel called you on it!!sure they were not very nice but do you blame them>?? They had no idea it was a joke!! I don't blame them one bit I kind of like there ability to stand up for what they believe!! Now lets put thsi joke to sleep please before more feelings get hurt!!!

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Let me first say...HA HA, good joke..I guess confused.gif I am a bit surprised though. Usually when someone makes a joke or something, they let you know somewhere in the initial post that it was in deed a joke.

I read the post and thought this guy was serious only to find out after someone called him on it that it was all of a sudden a joke. I can take humor like the next guy but usually it doesn't run that long without telling the average guy that it was a joke. But hey, HAHA.

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~


I read the post and thought this guy was serious only to find out after someone called him on it that it was all of a sudden a joke. I can take humor like the next guy but usually it doesn't run that long without telling the average guy that it was a joke. But hey, HAHA.

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There were a hand full of people that knew that it was a joke before i even posted it! The truth came out just a couple hours after it was posted! It was all outta fun! No big deal!

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Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~

Your right, no big deal, just throwing my 2 cents in like everybody else around here, hopefully that is no big deal to you. Gotta say, you had me going there for awhile. But then again, I am just an average guy who didn't know it was a joke until I read on. Funny Joke though....You sure got me on it.

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