What makes a good student?


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This same question was asked of teachers. What are your thoughts on students?

What makes a good student?

A short outline, in no particular order:

1. A good student shows respect to their teacher, because they are the teacher.

2. A good student will always do their own homework.

3. A good student will ask questions, because they have a legitimate question, and not because they want to waste valuable class time.

4. A good student will not participate in horseplay in class, nor cause disruptions.

5. A good student will accept the grade he or she earned and not ask the teacher for any favors.

6. A good student understands that the school sports programs are extracurricular and that the student must make up any work and or assignments missed because of these activities.

7. A good student does not expect special attention; neither does he or she expect a special grading system just for them; because that student happens to be in one of the school’s sports programs.

8. A good student will spend much more time on homework than playing games or corresponding with forum members on their computer.

9. A good student will proofread their own work before showing it to others for a critique.

10. A good student will do their best, and not settle for just a passing grade.

11. A good student will be prepared for the next days classes.

12. A good student will not expect his or her parents to be able to answer the questions that the student should have asked the teacher.

13. A good student should not expect his or her teacher to have “all the answers to life’s questions”.

14. A good student will not copy other students work, and will not allow another student to copy theirs.

15. A good student will not make up excuses for their own failures.

16. A good student realizes that he or she is not the only student the teacher has.


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Re: What makes a good student?

3. Not sure I agree with that one. Of course you don't want to waste class time, but if you really don't understand something, keep hammering away with the questions until you do.

8. Too relative. If you can do an excellent job on your homework in a minimal amount of time (I did) then there's no reason to sit there sweating over it when there's nothing more to be gained.

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