Field Score


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Re: Field Score

125 - Good mass and tine length but narrow on the inside spread and main beams not exceptionally long


134 (or 137 I can't remember without going back and scoring him again blush.gif ) - Wide, decent mass and tine length, 23 inch main beams


142 - Good mass, good tine length (great brow tines) good spread


171 - Great mass all the way through the main beams, good tine length and inside spread, scored as a nontypical with 16 scorable points.


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Re: Field Score

This one would fool most hunters because he's not wide for a B&C deer. I honestly estimated him to be a 170 class buck (gross) when I saw him. Green scored I came up with 185 1/8 gross and 177 1/2 net. After the official 60 day drying period he officially scored 182 7/8 gross and 175 1/8 net.


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