so long busch stadium


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Re: so long busch stadium

Even though Im a Detroit Tigers fan, I really respect the Cards and Id say even like them. Its hard to not like a team that is mostly a class act.

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Re: so long busch stadium

I sure am going to miss old Busch Stadium. frown.gifI have been to a lot of games there and have a lot of great memories.I still disagree with the building of the new stadium.Even the announcers last night said Busch was one of the best ball parks around.The fans at last nights game were even scooping dirt from around the wall to take home for keepsakes.

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Re: so long busch stadium

Busch Stadium is one of the greatest around. I can't believe they're taking it down, that's like tearing down Fenway. I'm a Yankees fan myself, but I have to say LaRussa is an amazing skipper, and my hat goes off to the way he plays ball. But for now I'm rooting for the Astros to take it all!

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Re: so long busch stadium

Never have been to Busch, but I always thought it was a nice looking stadium, from a TV standpoint.

Lots of history going to the scrap heap there. Hopefully the new stadium will look as nice or better.

I think the Cardinals organization might be the best run organization in the bigs.

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