Why such a big deal?

Guest Andrea

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Why is such a big deal being made about the U.S. soldiers burning the bodies of Taliban members????

I do not get it. So what????????? Do people not remember what these murderers did to OUR soldiers? And what they did to the civilians they kidnapped?????

I feel no sympathy whatsoever for them. NONE!!!!! mad.gif

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Re: Why such a big deal?

Yeah, I was waiting for this one smirk.gif. Is it wrong? Yes it is! Do I care, heck no...not when it comes to them. But hey wrong is wrong.

My problem with "these" people is when it is aired of "them" chopping Americans heads off, no big deal. When it is aired of "them" dragging Americans down the street throwing stones and beating them, no big deal. But when .001 % of the Army or Marine Corps screws up, they start an outcry. Just like with that stupid Koran ordeal. Go cry to allah about it and leave us alone. We have bigger and better things to worry about wink.gif

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Re: Why such a big deal?

We are supposed to uphold the Geneva Convention. (i.e. set the standard) If not, it only increases the chances of our "additional" folks getting the same treatment. BUT: sometimes you have to do the right thing, and then sometimes, you have to do things right. Smack their wrist and tell'em don't do it again! wink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Why such a big deal?


The big deal is that the bodies were facing the west when they were being burned. This is significant to Muslems because they want to face Mecca when they are in the grave.

As for me: I don't care where or how the burn their sorry...................

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That, and they were put into a prayer position, and the soldiers apparently shouted taunts at the other fighters who went into hiding, saying they were cowards for not coming to retrieve the bodies. Things of that nature, if anything, it was in poor taste, even still, I don't agree with what they did, if that were any surprise. Regardless of what the Taliban or any other terrorist organization has done or will do, we are supposed to be better than this. The people of these other countries that have no real knowledge of America and it's citizens, now believe that all Americans burn dead bodies in a ritualistic manner, bind prisoners and taunt them with dogs and sexual references and take photos. It's all about appearances, all this does is make us as Americans look worse in the eyes of foreigners, some care about this, some don't, I for one do care about how people in other countries perceive Americans, and unfortunately, lately, Americans are being perceived as what we have just read about. Are all Americans like this, No. Are all Muslims like the terrorists, No. But too many Americans associate one with the other, and vice versa.

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Re: Why such a big deal?


I don't care where or how the burn their sorry...................

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Sounds about right to me. Just too bad the soldiers may possibly have put themselves in the position to now likely have action taken against them because we all know the media will blow this out of proportion and the liberals and human rights nuts will cry about how our soldiers mistreated these dead murderers.

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Re: Why such a big deal?


Are all Muslims like the terrorists,

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No they are not all terrorists but most of them hate Americans and would love to kill off the west.


No. But too many Americans associate one with the other, and vice versa.

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Yep, I am guilty of that and loose no sleep over it at the same time tongue.gif

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Re: Why such a big deal?

The U.S., especially her armed forces are, and will always be, placed under the microscope, and for good reason. We are the global police, whether we choose to believe this or not. We invade countries, and have bases and embassy in nearly ever country worldwide.

Saying that, our soliders have to show the rest of the world how good Americans truly are. They cannot afford any slip up's. And should never do anything to worsen (even more) many existing negative opinions of the United States, and the West.

When events like the Abu Grab (spelling?) prison scandal, and that disgusting mess of a women, Lindy England happen, and our Nation's image and virtues along with those of the honorable men and women servicing our coutry are ruined.

This leads to even more hatred of our Nation.

That's why it's a big deal. IMHO.

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Re: Why such a big deal?

Actually muggs where we get our black-eye from is the MEDIA that just loves to make a bigger deal out of things than what they actually are..... crazy.gifcrazy.gif

Get rid of the MEDIA and things will be fine.....

Get shot at, bombed, and tourtered and just see how they would react.....OH yeah,, we have already seen it.... They holler foul treatment....Hhmmm,, wonder where that comes from.... wink.gif

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Re: Why such a big deal?

You're misunderstanding me bud. I give the soliders all the credit in the world. And 99.9% of those men and women are tremendous indivduals, but one bad apple can spoile the bunch. And yes the media is a huge problem in today's world. And they'll sensationalize everything, that's all the more reason to act with tact.

Do you know how many officers' careers were ruin by that little hillbilly? Not to mention, she embarassed her country.

Remember, the media didn't put that smoke in England's mouth, and they weren't the ones pointing at an Iraqi's unit. Let's not forget that here.

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Re: Why such a big deal?



The big deal is that the bodies were facing the west when they were being burned. This is significant to Muslems because they want to face Mecca when they are in the grave.

As for me: I don't care where or how the burn their sorry...................

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That, and they were put into a prayer position, and the soldiers apparently shouted taunts at the other fighters who went into hiding, saying they were cowards for not coming to retrieve the bodies. Things of that nature, if anything, it was in poor taste, even still, I don't agree with what they did, if that were any surprise. Regardless of what the Taliban or any other terrorist organization has done or will do, we are supposed to be better than this. The people of these other countries that have no real knowledge of America and it's citizens, now believe that all Americans burn dead bodies in a ritualistic manner, bind prisoners and taunt them with dogs and sexual references and take photos. It's all about appearances, all this does is make us as Americans look worse in the eyes of foreigners, some care about this, some don't, I for one do care about how people in other countries perceive Americans, and unfortunately, lately, Americans are being perceived as what we have just read about. Are all Americans like this, No. Are all Muslims like the terrorists, No. But too many Americans associate one with the other, and vice versa.

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Oh God here we go again - lets make sure we're not preceived as thugs or violent people while we're at war??? It's called War and it's never a pretty site on either side.

I'm sure their were people that were killed in a giant ball of flames at the WTC that didn't care to perish that way nor go to their graves that way either. Did these people give a rats behind about those folks? **** no and why should I care about the way they die, just as long as they die until such time as they surrender.

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Re: Why such a big deal?



Do you know how many officers' careers were ruin by that little hillbilly?

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Hmmmmm................................Nah, I'll leave this one alone. mad.gif

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No, please tell us. And why did you mention hillbilly? mad.gif

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Re: Why such a big deal?

I was waiting for that grin.gif

I think certain officers need to be held accountable for that episode as well. I know all too well that Officers have a lot to do with decision making especially in combat. On the other hand, this "hillbilly" as one calls her grin.gif, needs to be held accuontable for her actions as well. She is an adult and knows what's right and what's wrong. I know in combat if an officer tells me to do something that I know could back fire on me, I will definalley light a fire under someones butt and let it be known.

With that said, big deal. I mean I know it's wrong but at least we didn't chop their heads off wink.gif

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Re: Why such a big deal?


Oh God here we go again - lets make sure we're not preceived as thugs or violent people while we're at war??? It's called War and it's never a pretty site on either side.

I'm sure their were people that were killed in a giant ball of flames at the WTC that didn't care to perish that way nor go to their graves that way either. Did these people give a rats behind about those folks? **** no and why should I care about the way they die, just as long as they die until such time as they surrender.

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That's what makes us different then those people, we act or react I should say with class, and dignity. Actions like this make us seem no better then them.

Like I said, the last thing we need is to make more people hate us, such actions could sway positive opinions of Americans to negative way to fast.

If our country is going to keep up this sort of military practice, we have to watch our actions. It's easy to say we're there to help, but if you completely mock the people you're helping, they not gonna buy it.

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Re: Why such a big deal?



Oh God here we go again - lets make sure we're not preceived as thugs or violent people while we're at war??? It's called War and it's never a pretty site on either side.

I'm sure their were people that were killed in a giant ball of flames at the WTC that didn't care to perish that way nor go to their graves that way either. Did these people give a rats behind about those folks? **** no and why should I care about the way they die, just as long as they die until such time as they surrender.

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That's what makes us different then those people, we act or react I should say with class, and dignity. Actions like this make us seem no better then them.

Like I said, the last thing we need is to make more people hate us, such actions could sway positive opinions of Americans to negative way to fast.

If our country is going to keep up this sort of military practice, we have to watch our actions. It's easy to say we're there to help, but if you completely mock the people you're helping, they not gonna buy it.

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Good reply muggs, thats what I was trying to get at. See PH doesn't care what other countries think of us, maybe he will when the ICBM with a nuclear warhead is entering our atmosphere. Diplomacy is not invading a country to help the oppressed of the country, and then disgracing their religion and customs because you don't like the minority and what they have done.

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Re: Why such a big deal?

Let me add, I'm not judging these soliders for what they did, I'm only giving my opinion as to why I think "it's such a big deal".

I'm not gonna sit here and pretend I'd know how I'd react in a combat situation. And I know it's easy for me to sit here and play "computer holier than thou guy". These men/women are brave, and most of them are just out of high school.

As for Lindy England aka "Hillbilly" she got knock up in the military while having a husband at home, I believe, and she's a disgrace. Hillbilly, to clear this up, is not meant to her regional orgin, but rather the fact that she's a deadbeat disgusting human being and the fact that she disgraced the Country I love really burns my arsh. As I'm sure you can tell.

no offense to you dg or anybody else...well expect Lindy England.

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Re: Why such a big deal?

Positive opinions? Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 40 years, there hasn't been much positive opinions about Americans - the ones that like us will always like us and no matter what we do, the ones that hate us will always hate us.

Remember - they don't hate us because we are at war with them - they hate us because we exsist and they have always hated us for that one reason.

Lets go back to the Clinton days when the muslims were given a free pass on everything - did they hate us? Yes. Did they try to bomb us? Yes.

The only way to get them to stop hating us is to eliminate them.....so what's your plan on a peachful elimination????

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