olympus 2.0 MP homemade digital trail cam for sale


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i would like to sell an olympus d-380 2.0 megapixel digital homemade trail camera. Included in the package is a pixcontroller card to run the set-up. I am also going to include 8 rechargeable nimh c cell batteries to run the pixcontroller board. Also i am going to include 2 64 mb memory cards and a 128 mb memory card. Furthermore i am going to include a card reader so you can get the pictures off the card. And finally i am going to include a battery charger so you can charge the c cell batteries (the charge will also charge AA's if you choose to buy those for the camera) I will send instructions on how to run the set-up.



i am asking $250 for everything and shipping is on me.

email me at [email protected]

or you can message me through realtree.



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