Monster Doe ..(Wig's special)


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My buddy 3legs scored on a monster blacktail doe tonight.

He has been putting off going out hunting since August, because of his MS. It really slows him down in the hot weather and he has to wait until it cools down to get a decent level of energy happening.

Tonight was his first night out this year. He settled into our grass groundblind down at Don's farm around 3:00pm. I got down there a few minutes later and laid a nice scent trail out in front of him where he would be shooting at 15 to 20 yrds., and continued across the field with the doe estrus and dominant buck scent.

I was using Mr. Wiggly's doe-in-estrus scent, along with some dominant buck lure.

I then went across the stream and got set up myself in my little cut out spot.

I had a nice doe come across in front of me at 15 yrds smelling Wig's doe pee all the way ..LOL. I could have got her easy, but already have my doe.

I saw 13 does, fawns and 1 small buck cross over toward where 3legs was set up. All the deer except for 2 that snuck around the back way.

It wasn't long after watching the last doe cross in front of me, heading toward where Ken was set up, across the field, that I heard him shoot....Bingo.

There was still plenty of light, but rather than spook the deer any more by waiting till dark, I went over to see Ken's deer. It is a huge, very mature blacktail doe. I think she is the lead doe on the farm ...."YAHOO"...Way to go buddy !!!



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