Went Hunting Yesterday........


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It was a great organized dog drive and I loved it.... We got to the truck-stop to meet the boys in the hunting club and then we stood around and talked till almost daylight deciding where to hunt and discussing this weeks news of the bucks killed where and how big they where.... A buddy of ours Tommy killed a good lookin 9pointer with about a 14-15inch spread with the ML the week before dog season came in.... Well we rode back into the hunting club to scout out the area and see who had already turned loose and then we decided to hunt the 500acreblock, so we turned our dogs loose and got situated to wait for a chase.... It didnt take long because at one time we had 3packs running at one time but not many deer seen cus the block is so big.... cool.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gif We eventually got all the dogs caught up and recast them in a different area but the same block, but they just came back out without running anything.... We tried one more block before calling it a day and I think the boys where going to go hit another place when we left BUT it was a good organized hunt the dogs did their job, we did ours for the most part, and I enjoyed it........ Just thought I would share this so yall takemeasy and have a good hunting season........ cool.gifcool.gifcool.gifcool.gif

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