choke question for slugs.........


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I have a verona semiauto with several choke tubes but i forgot them at home and can't get them in time and don't have my directions. If I take my choke tube out will I ruin the threads in my barrell....Help needed asap as I leave tonight for the trip......So the question is can I run rifled slugs through my smooth bore barrell without the choke tube and not screw it up......

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Re: choke question for slugs.........


I have a verona semiauto with several choke tubes but i forgot them at home and can't get them in time and don't have my directions. If I take my choke tube out will I ruin the threads in my barrell....Help needed asap as I leave tonight for the trip......So the question is can I run rifled slugs through my smooth bore barrell without the choke tube and not screw it up......

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I would not fire any type slug through your shotgun, without the choke tubes installed, as there is a very likely possibilty that the lead from the slug will damage the choke threads. You'll need to use a Improved Cylinder choke for Foster type slugs. Sabots, fired in a smoothbore will result in poor accuracy. <Sorry to give you this news frown.gif>

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Re: choke question for slugs.........


dave, thanks for the help.....I know about not running sabots through the smooth bore...I bought some cheap federals to run through it....As for the tube I'm just gonna stop at cabela's up here in MN before we head up....Again thanks for the help....

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You're Welcome & GOOD LUCK! grin.gif

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