WooHoo! Theyre in Rut!


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I had to head through Pryor Oklahoma for some material this morning. I made it about 2.5 miles from the house when I noticed a large animal, about 1/2 mile ahead, running circles in a field like a bird dog.

Common Sense told me it was a deer and more then likely a buck. I cruised up on him and slowed down. He stopped, under an old dogwood, to see what I was doing. He then stuck his nose to the ground and began to trail again. He was a NICE 8-point and would probably score 110 maybe more because he was very heavy.

He started to sporadically trail away from me and I wanted to get his "opinion" on the rut. I quickly rolled down the window and gave him two quick grunts (with my mouth). He froze looked up at me and began a quick paced trot toward the road and my truck. I wanted to see what he would do but didn't want him getting hit so I moved on.

If he was hot enough to fall in love with a white, extended cab ford...then I bet he's drooling all over himself for the does. We finally broke the freezing mark this morning and got a heavy frost. I think they've had the rut on their mids for about two weeks but love is finally in the air! This should make for some very interesting bow-hunting!

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Guest Broncho10

Re: WooHoo! Theyre in Rut!

I agree with you, I think the rut is starting up here in Oklahoma. I saw two different bucks chasing does yesterday, I also got a pic on my game cam this week of a 8 point that will go 135 maybe push 140. Fisrt time I have ever seen him and the picture was taken at 1pm. That makes me think he might be out searching or chasing out in the middle of the day. Should be good in the next 2 weeks.

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Re: WooHoo! Theyre in Rut!

I think you're right Jeramie. The buck I shot the monday of muzzleloader was with a doe. I went out Sunday in the rain and saw a doe being trailed by 2 bucks. If its not here then its awful darn close. I'm going out tomorrow and pulling out the Tinks 69 gel to see if I can get a reaction. Good luck all. See ya later. Greg

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Re: WooHoo! Theyre in Rut!

Its sporadic at best in different areas. The Ranch is about 18-20 miles from where I saw the big buck. They really aren't rutting hard although I did have a shot on an 8-point that was alone. They aren't really hot there yet but its coming.

This weekend im picking up an area I haven't hunted since last year. Hopefully it will be hot!

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