Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Unable To Write To Drive C:


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Re: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Unable To Write To Drive C:

There are alot of things you can do to speed up your computer. I never reinstall anymore. One of the first things I would do is get MS Anti Spyware and run that. I took 664 pieces of spyware off my daughter's computer and it is screaming again. Defrag your Hard Drive if needed. You need to see how many programs are running in the background. You can do this from task manager. The #1 thing you can do after this is to install more RAM. If you have more questions let me know. I do this stuff for a living.


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Re: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Unable To Write To Drive C:

Yeah Master Chief, I have 640 meg of RAM, defrag once a week, use msconfig and shut down all programs that dont need to be running, and I use Adaware for spy-ware. It runs great! Just after about 7-8 months I start getting these BLUE SCREENS OF DEATH saying Unable to write to drive C:! Then have a heck of a time trying to get out of it. I also see this! WINDOWS PROTECTION ERROR, PLEASE RE-START YOUR COMPUTER??? Whats that all about? I have a new hard drive in as well. 80 GIG. Oh well, I should be good for another 8 months I hope! Thanks!!!

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Guest mnarcher

Re: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Unable To Write To Drive C:

I am the Network Admin at our office and I reload my machine about every 12 months just to clean it up. I also load a lot of programs on it and then uninstall so that is why I do it.

You want to make sure that you keep your AdAware up to date and you may even want to load MS Anti Spyware on it. We have had better luck with that then the AdAware program.

If you are running XP make sure you install SP2 as well as keep up to date on the the patches.

It also sounds like your hard drive is possibly bad. Unable to write to the C drive is a bad error and usually indicates a bad block in the drive. There are tools that you can run to scan the sectors of your drive for bad blocks. If you have any you need a new drive even if the OS marks them as bad.

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