question on perenials...

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this spring we planted a few seed blends, these were Tecomate Chicory, Tecomate Deer Grazer Alfalfa, and Imerial Clover. This stuff grew great, we had fertilized the land, did an alright job on weed control, and the plot looked great for its first year. One question of mine was that the deer were eating it all summer but when Oct. 1st came around and the first real cold weather hit the deer just hammered the plot, this plot is around 1 acre and is just eaten to nothing. There is minimal green left and the deer have eaten it all, my question is will these plants grow back next year?

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Re: question on perenials...

i had the same thing happen to me on my first perennial plot. the deer ate the clover and trefoil to the ground during the winter. I thought this plot was history. then around the end of march when the warmer weather hit the clover and trefoil rebounded great. this plot is now in it's 3rd fall and doing great.


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