price of hunting


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Re: price of hunting

I've got no problem with charging more for non-resident hunters than resident hunters, BUT surely there should be some exception for the military. As part of the military, I consider you to be a resident of every province and territory in Canada. You've got a right to be PO'd. That's brutal!

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Re: price of hunting

In Saskatchewan, military personal are considered Saskatchewan residents if they are stationed in Saskatchewan. However, if you are born and raised in Saskatchewan but stationed in Manitoba, you would not be considered a resident hunter when you come back to hunt in your home province of Saskatchewan. Once again, BRUTAL!

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Re: price of hunting

Looking at this from the governments point of view; (who I don't like anyways but please ignore because if this gets political we will have nothing but a bunch of angry canadaians and a few confused americans... jk wink.gif...) perhaps the government fears (if they can think this far ahead (note: bill c-68 supports their lack of thought process)) that you will claim resident status in both saskatchewan and lets say manitoba. Now is it fair for you to be able to harvest 6 deer at resident price (i wouldn't care how many chcikens you shot)? Perhaps they could have a system that allows you to take a deer from each province for a resident fee but after that you have to claim residence in a province if you wish to continue to hunt.

Now to look at it from a normal persons view. Ya the government is stupid. Every hunter wants soem form of conservation right? And if your in thunderbay, your not shooting chickens in saskatchawan... get my drift.

you'll have to forgive me for all the brackets.

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Re: price of hunting

I agree with LDB, it's BRUTAL!!! There are catches though. In Man. you stated you could take 5 deer, 1 with each wepoan plus a 2nd with one and a 5th on a special tag. Here in Sask you get one buck despite the weapon, it wouldn't be fair to residents if you could come over here and use your muzzle and rifle tag after getting an archery deer there. Now I don't think you would and I think Military deserve an exception but there are many tings to consider. Basically.....our Wildlife Management practices are BRUTAL just like the law you are spekaing of.

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Re: price of hunting

It's definetly crazy how much the difference is in prices for residents and non-residents. My uncle guides bear hunts up here, there's only a couple that are actually from Ontario that hunt with him, the rest are from New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky or Indiana. Resident Black bear tags are somewhere around $35. What is it for non-resident?? $185!!! crazy.gif (within 10 bucks or so, cant remember the exact price)

I can see it being a bit higher for non-residents to hunt, but not THAT much! crazy.gif

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Re: price of hunting

Being retired Navy here in the states this is what have found. For the most part if you keep your state of residence you can hunt there as a resident. I kept Pa as my state of residence while in the military. While I was on leave I could hunt in Pa as a resident. If the state you maintain takes state taxes out of military pay then you pay full state tax. Ohio for example, While on active duty if you maintain Ohio as state residence you pay Ohio taxes. Differs from state to state. I agree it sucks though.

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Guest bronco_mudder

Re: price of hunting

I too agree that the laws for this are ludacris, but unfortunately its impossible to have a national hunting system for the military. Wildlife is covered by provincial law, excepty migratory game birds which are federal. So what ever each individual province sets out as law for hunting, the federal government can't change.

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Re: price of hunting

I think Jay T has a good idea. I agree that it is hard on the people who choose to serve our country when it comes to hunting. Perhaps a susytem like Jay- T suggested where the soldiers have residence in any province (with respect to hunting rights), but have limits set to what they can harvest (ie:a deer with every weapon, only one moose per year etc.) under resident status. It could be like the food stamp of the hunting system. Just kidding guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: price of hunting

I know that this is of no Help to you.

My Son was home on leave last week here in IOWA, laugh.gif

In the NAVY Stationed in Norfolk VA

& all he has to do is have his leave papers with him & he can hunt anything, No Liscense required.

That is one Small thing the US Gov. does for Our Soliders. (maybe it's just our State Law, Not Sure)

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