Selfish prayer request...quitting smoking


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I've kicked around asking for prayers on this because I can't help but think it's selfish--a self-inflicted addiction for which I'm asking God's help.

However, after one nearly successful attempt two years ago and several more nonchalant attempts I've realized that I need help to quit smoking--that goes above and beyond the patch and support of friends, family, and co-workers.

I just lit what I pray will be my last cigarette. Afterwards, a long, super-hot shower and then I'll be brushing the you-know-what out of my teeth.

Anyway, I ask that my friends here pray for me to succeed. I'm sick and tired of smoking and it makes me sick that I enjoy it so much. Quitting will help me focus on my other "vices" like hunting and

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Re: Selfish prayer request...quitting smoking

No prob.I went to bed every night praying that I could quit.I couldnt have done it with out.I started smoking when I was 11 & finally quit for good when I was 23.I ate sunflower seeds 1 @ a time.It isnt easy.They compare the addiction to worse than herroin.But if you get your head around it & make it 1 - 3 weeks out of your life without smoking you will be free for the rest of your life! Good luck & keep us posted.

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Re: Selfish prayer request...quitting smoking

When I used to work 80-100 hours a week I smoked like a freight train. One day I bought 3 packs on my way home from work. Next evening driving home at the same time I realized I had smoked 3 packs since yesterday. I sat them down and have not picked them back up since. I have a friend that smokes and occasionally I will smoke a cigarette with him when we are working or out hunting. Just think about all the hardships other people are having in the world and then think about how much of a little situation trying to quit is. Once I quit I acutally felt like I had less stress on me and I can think clearer without just thinking "Smoke Break Time". In the mean time you will be in my prayer and hopefully you can get some of the other people out there to quit too. I saw my mom 2 days after I quit and I told her "I'll quit smoking if you quit smoking". She didn't realize I had already quit. She ended up quitting at the same time and my stepdad quit soon after.

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Re: Selfish prayer request...quitting smoking

Prayers on the way!

Quiting cold turkey is the hardest but most effective method...just make it past the first few weeks of cravings and you are done. Tell everyone you normaly smoke arround that you are quitting and they can help remind you if you "forget" and ask for one... grin.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Selfish prayer request...quitting smoking

Marky, 6 weeks ago tomorrow, I got to thinking how I would be turning 30 and that I was killin' myself with those things. Well, I just turned my back to them after 13 years of smokin' and I haven't looked back. If you get it in your head that you're done with them, then you will be and it won't be near as hard as you might think.

Just think of all the money you'll save and all the deer you'll see now that they can't smell you. Believe me you will see many more.

If you need any moral support, just drop me a line.

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