Neck shots


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Re: Neck shots

I have been shotgun hunting for deer here on Vancouver Island for the past 25 years.

We are not allowed to use slugs in our shotgun areas because there is ussually houses close by and slugs travel too far.

We use 00 buck or 000 buck shot.

Neck shots have always been my favourite with the shotgun.

I have set a limit however on when I will take a neck shot.

0 to 20 yrds - go for the neck (just behind the ear or high on the neck)

Never go for a head shot. It is too easy for the pellets to graze off of the skull at any given spot.

I can't remember ever seeing a deer run with a neck shot from 00 or 000 buck shot at 20 yards or less.

Anything over 20 yrds is a behind the shoulder shot.

Maximum range using SSG's is 35 yrds. Anything over that and your taking a chance on wounding the animal.

If you follow these guidlines while using SSG's on deer, you will have no problem having a deer get away on you ....I guarantee it.

Taking a deer in the neck with any other weapon is a smaller target than the lung and heart area and I would not recommend it, even though I have harvested 3 deer, with neck shots at close range with my bow.(Not on purpose though)

[ 11-10-2002, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: buckee ]

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Re: Neck shots

I was out mule deer hunting today and seen 3 guys hunting the area I was.They came over and asked if we seen a nice mulie buck with a bottom jaw hanging off.I said how did you hit that, the guy was trying a head shot and hissed by prob only 3". I tried to help but the tracks were allready covered up by fresh snow.What a missarbal way to DIE!!! Why not take the broadside shot were you have a 10-12" vital are.There is no meat wasted unless you count a broken rib.A head or neck is a small area and can easilly make a wound like I seen today!!

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Re: Neck shots

I have taken two deer that I shot in the neck, and they both dropped like a sack of potatoes. Both were at less than 30 yards. Much preferred is the broadside shot in the heart/lung area. Sometimes you take the shot that presents itself, but most important is that you know that you can make the shot.

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Re: Neck shots

Irresponsible. I know people who take great pride in being "neck shooters". I also know that there's not much margin for error when taking a neck shot. I've also told those couple guys that I refuse to give up my day of hunting to go tracking after a deer with its windpipe shot out. mad.gif Be rsponsible ad be respectful of the game you shoot. As for the "don't wanna waste any meat" argument....BULL!! If a person's that concerned about the "hamburger" between a couple ribs, then that same person would be boning the meat off the neck, too.

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Re: Neck shots

You said it Strut! I am not for neck shots, and I am against head shots. I have seen too many wounded critters that I had to finish off. If you don't want to track them, shoot the shoulders. It does ruin some meat, but I also like neck roasts.

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Re: Neck shots

To each his own. My brother has shot 2 deer in the neck and both went straight down.

We have always been taught to take the shot that you are most confident in taking.

How dare any of you say that my brother is irresponsible for being an excellent shot. I'm personally insulted that you would label a member of my family when you don't know him.

It's that same attitude that has stopped him from hunting over the past few years.

I understand that you are not pointing anyone out, but grouping hunters into a group like that seems to be even more irresponsible to me.

If that shot was presented to me, you better believe I'll shoot.

There have been plenty of "perfect shot" deer getting away posted about in here.

To each his own. If you don't feel you would take that shot then just say that and move on.

I apologize for the fired up nature of this post, but I used to hunt mith my brother all the time and after being verbally assaulted over this very topic he's not much into it anymore and that type of attitude really bothers me.

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Re: Neck shots

wtnhunt it's funny you made this thread recently. I took a very handsome buck this past Saturday morning. I shot him with a 7mm magnum right behind the shoulder. I mean a perfect shot! The shot couldn't have been placed better right behind the shoulder. I waited a few minutes and climbed down out of my stand and I found his blood trail in the field where he was standing. I thought he ran maybe 25-50 yards in the woods. I was totally wrong. confused.gif The freakin deer ran 125 yards DOWN HILL in a creek bottom and dropped right at the creek edge. I mean in some of the thickest stuff imaginable. I had to drag him back uphill in all that thick stuff. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I've always shot my deer right above the shoulder. I've never had them run more than 25 yards when doing this. Most drop in their tracks. But because this was a new rifle and load I was shooting I figured I'd try that behind the shoulder shot. Never again will I shoot a deer behind the shoulder if he's standing broadside. Either neck or high in the shoulder.

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Re: Neck shots

I do prefer to shoot them in the shoulder, but I have shot several in the neck when I had to. I have never seen one hit in the neck with my 300 H&H that didn't pile right there!!! There is no wounding with that gun. We hunt public land in Michigan and 2 of my friends have had deer taken from them when they shot behind the shoulder and had to track them down. After following the blood trail they found someone else tagging the deer. Drop em in there tracks and you don't loose them.

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Re: Neck shots

Fact is this:

There are a lot more variables when aiming for the neck vs. a heart-lung shot.

It is not a question of being irresponsible, or a good shot (even the best shooters miss their mark at times), or meat vs. horn hunting (a heart lung shot ideally passes through ribs and organ tissue only) and there is more usable meat in the neck than there is between the ribs.

For me, my strategy when hunting is to limit the number of variables or things that can go wrong... Why would I want to tip the scales any further in the deer's favor?

With that being said if the ONLY immediate shot I was presented with was a good solid neck shot and there was a good chance of getting a second follow-up shot I just might take the neck shot BUT my other options would have to be limited and I would need to feel darn confident before I would squeeze off the trigger.

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Re: Neck shots

If a neck shot presents its self I will take it. However, I consider myself a very good shot. If you can't place a neck shot then I would say don't take one.

Don't get me wrong I will take a broadside shot everytime. However, some times deer won't let you take a broadside shot.

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Re: Neck shots

Over the years I've taken a half dozen or so deer with neck shots with a rifle. All but one where were less than 70 yards in distance and I had a solid rest. None of the deer hit in the neck took a step and all were dead before I reached them. Although I'd never attempt a neck shot with a bow. I have no problem doing it with an accurate rifle.

Don't get me wrong. I'll always strive for a shot through the boiler room. Sometimes it just doesn't happen. Although most of my deer get shot there.

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Re: Neck shots

The 2nd biggest buck I've shot dropped in his tracks with a neck shot at......15 yards. I don't like to take them but I will if I have to, I'd never take one over 75 yards however. Up here there is alot of brush and sometimes that's your only chance. The one I shot gave me only a view of his antlers and throat patch so I nailed him, right in the white. Like I said I don't prefer them but will take them.

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Re: Neck shots

Shooting a deer in the hind quarter and hitting the femoral artery is just as fatal as any other shot. Sure you will ruin some more meat. They leave a good blood trail and die pretty quickly. It is just as effective as a liver shot, but quicker. Does this make it a good shot to take? Even if it is the only one presented? I don't think so.

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