Newbe Needs Help With MuzzleLoader

Guest Wizard3686

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Guest Wizard3686

hello all

well my dad got a remington model 700 ml and we need sum help neather of us has shot a muzzleloader b4 and have no clue what to do

here is sum questions i have hope sumone can answer them

1. what loads should we use and what kind of powder should we use?

2. what is the range on a ML?

3. What Kind of cap is used it has a bolt on it?

sorry if sum of my questions sound dumb but like i said we have never used one b4

any info would be helpfull thanks alot

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Re: Newbe Needs Help With MuzzleLoader

First thing to do is read the owners manual, it will tell you what cap, and type of powder to use. Second, read Bluelks ML chapter at the top of the page, it will help tremendously.

Now on Powder, there are several brands to use, you will need to decide which one. Range, that will be up to the shooter more than the gun.

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