gas alternative and the almighty $??


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Let me start by saying, I'm not a conspirarcy theorist by any means. But I had a thought today while reading through jdickey's post about a 9 billion dollar profit for 1/4 of a year, and I want your opinion's.

IMO, it seems like with our technology, and the fact that sevel models of gas alternative cars already exist that there is already another good alternative to gasoline.

So why aren't the other energy sources the norm? And why are we starting to drill in protected lands.

Is it the oil industry preventing any competition? If you think about it, I'm sure the government would def. back the oil tycoons. JMHO but I think it makes sense.

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Re: gas alternative and the almighty $??

I'm sorry, but the price of gasoline isn't high enough yet - so there will be no moves to offer alternatives because of simple economics. American's won't buy the product so it's not profitable to sell....make it profitable and you've got your alternatives falling off the shelves of every store across America.

Now you can see why prices are controlled - just to keep you buying the product. Gas goes up a little over time and you moan about it but you keep buying it don't you? Yes you do and that increases those profits even more.

You truely won't see alternatives offered until the pipe runs dry and according to all the experts, that still some 90-100 years away. You and I won't really give a rats behind by then.

The only way to make gas prices go down is to stop using it and Americans don't have the balls to do that.

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Guest lostiniowa

Re: gas alternative and the almighty $??

we have other fuels just like we have a medicine that vertually cures type 2 diabetes but fuel and medicines are big money and those company's will pay big bucks to keep them underwraps. Face it dem or rep in washington most are crooked or at the very least GREEDY.!!! Its all about money!

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Re: gas alternative and the almighty $??

This is like saying we have the technology to build an underwater train from NY to Paris that would make the trip in 3 hours and cost less to run than planes...we do but it is so expensive in startup cost to build that it will probobly never happen!

Anyone ever looked at the cost of setting up fueling stations for alternative fuels...or retooling the vehicle factories to make the alternate fuel cars?

Those costs are astronomical and they are what is preventing the switchover. No fuel company is going to plunk down several billion dollars to build fueling stations for cars that don't exist, and no car company is going to spend billions retooling for the alternate fuel cars when there is nowhere for consumers to refuel them. Basic catch 22!

A gradual switchover will occur as car companies and fuel companies slowly add more of their part into the economy, but it whon't happen overnight no matter what the technology is capable of.

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Re: gas alternative and the almighty $??


Gas goes up a little over time and you moan about it but you keep buying it don't you? Yes you do and that increases those profits even more.

[/ QUOTE ]

We don't have a choice to buy the gas or not, in order to get to work, go to school, run the kids to soccer practice, go to church, go to the hospital, go on vacation etc. etc. etc. Gas must be purchased. We continue to buy it because we have no other alternative but to buy it.

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Re: gas alternative and the almighty $??

I don't think production would be any more expensive to start up than anything else. Besides, it's practical and would save the environment, prevent wars, and solve numerous other problems. Also, we wouldn't have to play wet nurse to Middle Eastern Countries.

I think it's pretty obvious that the pros outweigh the cons in this one.

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Re: gas alternative and the almighty $??

Muggs, getting setup might require more than you realize. Just establishing a method of delivery alone would be quite a costly task. Producing the fuel would probably be the most simple part. Realistically, it would be a challenge converting autos or getting consumers to make a switch. That might also be a costly and long term venture, especially with auto owners who own their vehicles and dont want to have to have another payment.

Sure it could be done, but who has the money to drop into a project like this and can sit on it long enough to see the return.

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