Question about muzzle loader cleaning


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Re: Question about muzzle loader cleaning

While at the range this past weekend, I was cleaning my guns and had the dreaded crud ring from 777. I was using spit patch after spit patch and not gaining much ground on it. I squirted some of the Hopps Foaming Bore Cleaner in the barrel and let it set for a couple minutes and then ran a dry patch through. The bore was spotless! I shot some more and then repeated the cleaning with just he Hoppes. The stuff is great! I squirted the stuff in one gun, and took the breechplug out of the second gun and squirted it. After disassembling #3 and squirting it, I was ready to patch out gun #1. It was the easiest cleaning job I have ever had on ML guns using 777 or Pyrodex.

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Re: Question about muzzle loader cleaning

i use the stuff form tc arms. it is a solvent that comes pretreated form tc arms and is a great cleanign solvent. my barreel stays squeaky clean and i use some gun oil for the outer parts and wipe the oil off after i apply it so there is just a very light screen of oil on the outer barreland othe rplaces like that. on the inside i don;'t use any of that but make sure it is a clean barrel and then make sure before i shoot again that it is swabbed with a dry cloth and then i shoot a new load.

best way for me to go and i have never had any problems with my black powder

rob k

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