European mount I did....


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I did this buck for my buddy. He didn't want a euro done, but I wanted to practice, since I had never done one. I gave it back to him and he LOVED it. He said he is willing to pay me for his next one. I said no need for that, but that's how much he liked it!!

I took the nasal bones out....kinda different looking, and 'cleaner' looking. Wish I had some peroxide to bleach it. Not bad for a first...definatly do some things different next time. wink.gif Good learning experience.


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Re: European mount I did....

That is nice! I've done 2 so far, and I took the nasal bones out as well, it does look better in my opinion. I boil the head in salt/water, then bleach in peroxide. Makes for a very nice clean white mount. I did one for a buddy for $30 a couple days ago, and he told me it was awesome at least 15 times haha. I'm thinking about ordering some Sal Soda (disolves the meat in under an hour) and putting up ads to do these and make a little extra money!

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Re: European mount I did....

Use hydrogen peroxide. I hear you're supposed to get the 40% stuff, but I dunno for sure...I'm not a taxi.... laugh.gif

They say to get that at a hair salon. Just make sure you don't get the antlers in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also wear gloves.....this stuff will burn your skin. wink.gif Show us some pics....

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Re: European mount I did....

Just whatever you do ...don't use bleach. It is VERY acidic and will eat the bones away and leave you with a crumbling skull. Go get some 40 wieght peroxide. You can get it from a beauty supply store its about 3-4bucks for a quart. I have heard of using the brown bottle peroxide, covering the skull with lots of cotton wrap(like cotton balls, but wrap). saturate the wrap with the peroxide and leave skull alone for a few weeks. The 40 weight peroxide will do the task faster, and it comes in a white peroxide color that will help with the bleaching process.

Boiling the skull will turn it yellowish, scrape all the meat out of it, use a hanger to scramble the brains out shocked.gif.

I have a friend that buries his heads by a red ant hill and lets them do the work grin.gif

That is an alternative.

Good Luck!

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Re: European mount I did....

Do it Chris....If I don't get a shoulder mount, I am doing this on any other bucks I harvest.

What I'm wanting to do (If I get one....) is put it on an old fence post, wrap rusty barb wire around the bleached skull, and make a little stand for the post to go on, with the skull on top. Might do a little 'scene' with grass and leaves, etc... Anyway, thought I might give you a few idears...... wink.gif

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Re: European mount I did....

It Seems People Think all Peroxide (H2o2) Is the Same.


The Brown Bottle H2o2 3% is What People Put On Cuts & Clean Pierced Ears With.

Is Far Different Than the 35% - 50% you are Talking about.

35% H2o2 if Spilt on Clothes, Wood, Leather, Carpet or anthing that will Burn, unless you dilute with water where the H2o2 was Spilt, there is a very high chance that it will start on FIRE!!!!!! Not Kidding.

I work with 35% & 50% H2o2 & if Splashed in Your Eyes You have Aprox 15 - 20 Seconds to Start Flushing them with Water.

Eye Contact:

Short Term Effects:

May cause burns. Additional effects may include tearing and blindness. confused.gif

Long Term Effects:

May cause effects as in short term exposure. Additional effects may include permenent eye damage. confused.gif


Oxidizers decompose, especially when heated, to yield oxygen or other gases which will increase the burning rate of combustible matter.Contact with easily oxidizable, organic, or other combustible materials may result in ignition, violent combustion or explosion. confused.gif

I don't want to seem like the Bad Guy here, be very careful with any Concentration of H2o2.


Don't get me wrong, you can use it,

Just be very careful.

Wear Goggles

Wear Rubber Gloves

Wear a Rubber apron

(A garbage bag is better than no Apron)

& Rubber Boots

Keep Children & Pets away.

Don't do this in the House.

I'm Doing Several Euro Mounts Right Now.

This is the stuff Taxidermist Use.

You just have to be extra careful.

Here is a Link to a Web Page with a H2o2 MSDS

When Done Right A Euro mount is very Rewarding, because it is Something you have done.

A Euro Mount isn't worth a Mishap with H202.

Be Careful & Have Fun

Valkrie1357 wink.gif

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Re: European mount I did....


It Seems People Think all Peroxide (H2o2) Is the Same.


The Brown Bottle H2o2 3% is What People Put On Cuts & Clean Pierced Ears With.

Is Far Different Than the 35% - 50% you are Talking about.

35% H2o2 if Spilt on Clothes, Wood, Leather, Carpet or anthing that will Burn, unless you dilute with water where the H2o2 was Spilt, there is a very high chance that it will start on FIRE!!!!!! Not Kidding.

I work with 35% & 50% H2o2 & if Splashed in Your Eyes You have Aprox 15 - 20 Seconds to Start Flushing them with Water.

Eye Contact:

Short Term Effects:

May cause burns. Additional effects may include tearing and blindness. confused.gif

Long Term Effects:

May cause effects as in short term exposure. Additional effects may include permenent eye damage. confused.gif


Oxidizers decompose, especially when heated, to yield oxygen or other gases which will increase the burning rate of combustible matter.Contact with easily oxidizable, organic, or other combustible materials may result in ignition, violent combustion or explosion. confused.gif

I don't want to seem like the Bad Guy here, be very careful with any Concentration of H2o2.


Don't get me wrong, you can use it,

Just be very careful.

Wear Goggles

Wear Rubber Gloves

Wear a Rubber apron

(A garbage bag is better than no Apron)

& Rubber Boots

Keep Children & Pets away.

Don't do this in the House.

I'm Doing Several Euro Mounts Right Now.

This is the stuff Taxidermist Use.

You just have to be extra careful.

Here is a Link to a Web Page with a H2o2 MSDS

When Done Right A Euro mount is very Rewarding, because it is Something you have done.

A Euro Mount isn't worth a Mishap with H202.

Be Careful & Have Fun

Valkrie1357 wink.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Always someone spoiling the fun... frown.gifconfused.gifblush.gifgrin.gif

Seriously though, thanks for the warning, I definitely didn't know there was a difference and I have to skulls to do.

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Re: European mount I did....

Here Are Some Pics Of the Head That I Did.

Found this Deer Head Across the River from where I Live.

Did this Head In 35% Peroxide, for a couple of days.

You can see where it was weathered (gray)

Didn't get in the Peroxide.

I need a bigger Soaking Barrel.






Valkrie1357 wink.gif

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