First Buck Of The Season and an AWSOME HUNT!!!!!!!


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Fellas had an AWSOME HUNT today even though it was raining and got my biggest buck to date!!!!!!!! First buck of the season to as far as between me, dad, and my brother go........ Well heres the story sorry if its kinda long but it was a great hunt and wanted to share it with you fellas........ We got to our stands as light was coming up but somebody had moved my stand so I was forced to find it while my brother hunted and it wont long before he came over the walki talkie and said he had just seen 4bucks right at first light.... Keep in mind it is raining in sheets about now but that is a good sign and he said one of the bucks was right nice but didnt present a shot.... Well I decided to still hunt for most of the morning and eased around until I was soaked to the bone from the cold rain and 56degree highs today (still awsome hunting weather).... We met back up at the lodge to dry off about 9:00am and then decided to head back out because the rain had slacked off.... By this point I had also sat in a ladder stand and a small box blind just to keep from walking but still got soaking wet but we tried to make the best of it.... We headed out and sat in two box blinds about 600yardsapart from each other.... About 30minutes after getting settled in I was sitting there with my Remington 30-06 propped up in the corner kind of dozing off and watching the squirrels so I decided to stand up and stretch....bad move.... I looked behind me and there where FOUR bucks standing in the path directly behind me so I grabbed my rifle and propped up in the window to look for a shot opportunity!!!! A spike buck and a cowhorn ran off into the woods and then crossed back over into the block on the left again and then a four pointer crossed (none of which I wanted to shoot on such a messy day) but then I kept looking in my Simmons 3-9x40 Scope and I spotted tall horns (tines, antlers, whatever you wanna callem just a habit to callem horns I guess).... I looked harder and it was a big buck crossing back and forth about 100 yards away.... He did this about 4x and I finally made a mouth grunt and he stopped in the middle of the path so I settled the crosshairs on his shoulder and squeezed a shot off!!!! BOOM!!!! At the sound of the shot the big buck stumbled and fell right into the ditch graveyard dead without a dought!!!! I was so tickled and excited and my heart was pumping 200+mph it was AWSOME!!!! I heard my brother come over the radio asking did I get him and I came back with "Big Buck Down Baby Big Buck Down!!!!".... I was so excited I had to wait like what seemed like a long time before I could even climb down my stand.... When we walked up to him we got him out of the muddy ditch and I couldnt help but admire his 7point rack!!!! The buck was 10" wide and 11" tall and that is a big buck for this part of the country, you dont see many of them like that around here!!!!!!!! Fellas I was so thrilled I couldnt even handle it I had to sit down and chill for a minute after we got him field dressed and everything.... Just an awsome hunt even if it was raining but we will be eating backstraps tommorow and we got the cape and head ready to go to the taxidermist just waiting.... I have shot smaller bucks before now such as a basket racked 7pointer in front of the dogs but this is my first really big buck and it was such an awsome hunt fellas, words just dont describe how I felt and I am just now starting to calm down but typing this story just brings back memories and gets me excited all over again.... Thanks for listening and there will be pics following this post you fellas takemeasy and I hope your hunting season will be as good as mine has been!!!!-tim

PS:Im the boy in the right of the picture and my rifle is the wood stock bolt action.... Sorry we couldnt get better pics we didnt have a camera with us before we skinned him out and everything but this is the best I could do, you fellas takemeasy and have a good hunting season!!!!!!!!

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Guest adowns99

Re: First Buck Of The Season and an AWSOME HUNT!!!!!!! *DELETED*

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Re: First Buck Of The Season and an AWSOME HUNT!!!!!!!

Very nice buck bowhunt....congrats to you, your brother and your Dad. Its memories afield that make life sweet. One of the best times I can remember in the woods was being with my aging father on what was to probably be his last hunt, and seeing him take a spikehorn. That rates right up there with taking my first bunny with a .22 that my Mom and Dad bought me. He was right by my side that day over 25 years ago. There was no one complaining about it either. Just click on his name and then click the "ignore this user" button. I already have. Forget he even exists.

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Re: First Buck Of The Season and an AWSOME HUNT!!!!!!!


"Big Buck Down Baby Big Buck Down!!!!"....

[/ QUOTE ]

Those words are always music to the ears eh grin.gif

Way to go bowhunt101, and a big congratulations on a fine shot and a fine buck wink.gif

I see you got him all caped out too grin.gif Looks like the start of a fine trophy room to me wink.gif

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