So close it was sickening!


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This morning I had my first encounter with a really nice buck. Some of you probably wouldn't consider him huge, but I hunt farmland in western NY/southern tier so this is a big guy for the area. How the story goes is Andy and I leave the house at 6:30am. I hike in to one of our stands which is in the woods on an old overgrown logging trail. To the right is a maple/beech ridge and to the left is thick hemlocks/swamp that the deer like to bed in. I get in my stand around 7:00am. I have to hike close to a mile from the road through a corn field to get to the stand. Anyway about 7:45am, I hear leaves crunch to my right. I look and coming off the ridge is a buck sporting a wide rack, the biggest buck I've seen from a stand. There are a couple bigger ones I think running around also. I can't move because he looks around but keeps walking. He continues and walks right under me. I stand up as soon as he starts to walk away into a shooting lane, doesn't spook, and I draw my bow back. As soon as I do this, he bolts and stops at about 20 yards, right behind a little hemlock tree! Argh, I felt so heartbroken. He walked off into the swamp and I sat there until 10am, thinking about what a buck and what happened. The only reason I can think off is either some dirt fell off my boot or he heard my jacket when I drew back.

Tonight I go out to the same stand. While walking through the field, a spike comes up, ends up stopping about 40 yards and running back in. I get into my stand and about 30-45 minutes later I hear sticks breaking and a buck grunting. I tried a few grunts on Andy's call to no avail. About 20 minutes before it started getting dark, I have another spike come right in under my stand, I thought about passing on him, then thought about shooting him, but he kind of saw me/got my sent and ran back under some hemlocks then walked off.

So do you guys think I should keep hunting this stand? I am going to in the morning. I don't want to get the deer spooked out, but they are rutting like crazy here so I figurei f I spend enough time in that stand, that big boy is bound to come back...hopefully!

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Guest hoyt_vtec_kid

Re: So close it was sickening!

man i wish u got him,,,i would hunt the stand again if i was u,,, i dont think he was to spooked if he just ran a little then started walking away. good luck,,, when u shoot him plz post pics

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Re: So close it was sickening!


Thanks for the awesome story. I was "watching" it as I read. If the rut is on, I wouldn't worry about hunting a stand too much. The main thing is being out there because bucks will go anywhere at anytime for no particular reason that we really know.

If I had a spot like that, I'd be there an hour before daylight with some food and water for the whole day! You might try some Tinks 69 on the feet and walk a path around your stand for a deer to follow to a good shot. Good luck to you girl...............I hope you get him.

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Re: So close it was sickening!

You cant killem on the couch so go getem!!!! Seriously though if you have hunted that stand ALOT it is probobly best to let it rest for atleast a day or two.... The still hunting club I shot my big buck in yesterday doesnt get much pressure I dont think at one time so being I pulled the trigger and stirred up the place I dont intend to hunt there until next week more than likely even though I could have gone back yesterday afternoon (not to mention dragging to big bucks in one day would be more work than I intend on doing in one day, especially in the rain).... Anyways good luck getting the big boy and have a good hunting season....-tim

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Re: So close it was sickening!

Yes hunt that stand but my suggestion is try to stay seated to shoot, or, if its your offside, then try to remain standing for prime time hours of the hunt.

That way your always ready.

I have many stands that due to tree lean or whatever, I have to stand to shoot. Those stands I stay up standing for the 1st 2 hours and last 2 hours of the day (prime time).

I sit only to relief my legs for a bit.

Really sounds like you found a good spot!

Good Luck!

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